Our computer is 5 years old. We can't view a u-tube without it pausing every 5 seconds, it's that slow. And when we listen to a video, the sounds are not good.
Joe uses it to load IPOD, and sometimes e-mail. I'm the primary user, I like a few chat rooms, I look at the news, I look at e-mail and write things on it.
Neither of us are game players, so we don't need the speed, aspect.
Currently the computer is at the repair shop. Mostly, funnily enuf, because our 15 year old gets on it when he comes over and he made Yahoo the main page and I couldn't get rid of it, nor could the tech I called, over the phone.
I don't want to be FORCED to view something, it REALLY bugged me, so that was the final straw.
So, now knowing our user habits and not having the puter back yet, they are going to call with estimate, how much would be reasonable to pay to get it speeded (is that a word?) up, or should we get a new system, and if so, what would you suggest. Price is a problem, we are not poor but overextended....
Thanx for reading this epic e-mail
Joe uses it to load IPOD, and sometimes e-mail. I'm the primary user, I like a few chat rooms, I look at the news, I look at e-mail and write things on it.
Neither of us are game players, so we don't need the speed, aspect.
Currently the computer is at the repair shop. Mostly, funnily enuf, because our 15 year old gets on it when he comes over and he made Yahoo the main page and I couldn't get rid of it, nor could the tech I called, over the phone.
I don't want to be FORCED to view something, it REALLY bugged me, so that was the final straw.
So, now knowing our user habits and not having the puter back yet, they are going to call with estimate, how much would be reasonable to pay to get it speeded (is that a word?) up, or should we get a new system, and if so, what would you suggest. Price is a problem, we are not poor but overextended....
Thanx for reading this epic e-mail