Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
CNN link about the newly released book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House.
I don't know about you guys and gals, but after hearing that Bush admitted to McClellan that he authorized the leaking of a classified document (national intelligence estimate for political purposes-blowing Valerie Plame's cover), if there is any kind of real law left on the Federal level, Congress needs to take action. Using propaganda to sell the war, in other words lying to start an offensive War? And don't tell me Bush did not know about Scooter Libby and Rove.
This is how they do it- you decide on what crime your going to commit, then you set up one of your subordinates to take the bullet, ie, take the blame, and then the Commander in Chief under the guise of plausible deniability makes sure that person is taken care of financially in the aftermath. Reagan perfected it with Ollie North and Iran Contra (link) and it's been in the Republican play book ever since.
The Congress needs to subpoena McClellan, get his statements under oath and then investigate and move to persecute crimes and high treason. The Republican party likes to tell you that Bill Clinton lied about his blow job. And they spent 8 years and millions of dollars investigating him for political reasons. Yes he lied about his affiar and lying is lying, but I'll propose that in Clinton's case it was more a matter between husband and wife, then it was about persecution for political gain. And when it comes to death, damage, and treason, having an affair in office is *nothing* in comparison to what this Administration has done to the U.S. and it's standing in the world. Using this standard, President Bush without doubt qualifies for impeachment.
Do I actually think any action will be taken? NOPE, I have no confidence that any real legal action will be taken for this travesty of a war and travesty of this Administration.
I don't know about you guys and gals, but after hearing that Bush admitted to McClellan that he authorized the leaking of a classified document (national intelligence estimate for political purposes-blowing Valerie Plame's cover), if there is any kind of real law left on the Federal level, Congress needs to take action. Using propaganda to sell the war, in other words lying to start an offensive War? And don't tell me Bush did not know about Scooter Libby and Rove.
This is how they do it- you decide on what crime your going to commit, then you set up one of your subordinates to take the bullet, ie, take the blame, and then the Commander in Chief under the guise of plausible deniability makes sure that person is taken care of financially in the aftermath. Reagan perfected it with Ollie North and Iran Contra (link) and it's been in the Republican play book ever since.
The Congress needs to subpoena McClellan, get his statements under oath and then investigate and move to persecute crimes and high treason. The Republican party likes to tell you that Bill Clinton lied about his blow job. And they spent 8 years and millions of dollars investigating him for political reasons. Yes he lied about his affiar and lying is lying, but I'll propose that in Clinton's case it was more a matter between husband and wife, then it was about persecution for political gain. And when it comes to death, damage, and treason, having an affair in office is *nothing* in comparison to what this Administration has done to the U.S. and it's standing in the world. Using this standard, President Bush without doubt qualifies for impeachment.
Do I actually think any action will be taken? NOPE, I have no confidence that any real legal action will be taken for this travesty of a war and travesty of this Administration.