We're in a Recession Because ...

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... the Rich Are Raking in an Absurd Portion of the Wealth

Our economy can't thrive when the richest 1% get an ever larger share of the nation's income and wealth, and everyone else's share shrinks.

Wall Street's banditry was the proximate cause of the Great Recession, not its underlying cause. Even if the Street is better controlled in the future (and I have my doubts), the structural reason for the Great Recession still haunts America. That reason is America's surging inequality.

Consider: in 1928 the richest 1 percent of Americans received 23.9 percent of the nation's total income. After that, the share going to the richest 1 percent steadily declined. New Deal reforms, followed by World War II, the GI Bill and the Great Society expanded the circle of prosperity. By the late 1970s the top 1 percent raked in only 8 to 9 percent of America's total annual income. But after that, inequality began to widen again, and income reconcentrated at the top. By 2007 the richest 1 percent were back to where they were in 1928—with 23.5 percent of the total.

Each of America's two biggest economic crashes occurred in the year immediately following these twin peaks—in 1929 and 2008. This is no mere coincidence. When most of the gains from economic growth go to a small sliver of Americans at the top, the rest don't have enough purchasing power to buy what the economy is capable of producing. America's median wage, adjusted for inflation, has barely budged for decades. Between 2000 and 2007 it actually dropped. Under these circumstances the only way the middle class can boost its purchasing power is to borrow, as it did with gusto. As housing prices rose, Americans turned their homes into ATMs. But such borrowing has its limits. When the debt bubble finally burst, vast numbers of people couldn't pay their bills, and banks couldn't collect.

China, Germany and Japan have surely contributed to the problem by failing to buy as much from us as we buy from them. But to believe that our continuing economic crisis stems mainly from the trade imbalance—we buy too much and save too little, while they do the reverse—is to miss the biggest imbalance of all. The problem isn't that typical Americans have spent beyond their means. It's that their means haven't kept up with what the growing economy could and should have been able to provide them.

A second parallel links 1929 with 2008: when earnings accumulate at the top, people at the top invest their wealth in whatever assets seem most likely to attract other big investors. This causes the prices of certain assets—commodities, stocks, dot-coms or real estate—to become wildly inflated. Such speculative bubbles eventually burst, leaving behind mountains of near-worthless collateral.

The crash of 2008 didn't turn into another Great Depression because the government learned the importance of flooding the market with cash, thereby temporarily rescuing some stranded consumers and most big bankers. But the financial rescue didn't change the economy's underlying structure. Median wages are continuing their downward slide, and those at the top continue to rake in the lion's share of income. That's why the middle class still doesn't have the purchasing power it needs to reboot the economy, and why the so-called recovery will be so tepid—maybe even leading to a double dip. It's also why America will be vulnerable to even larger speculative booms and deeper busts in the years to come.

Full article:


Makes perfect sense. This is why we should be mad at the rich and greedy, not just our govts.

Yay capitalism!!
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Peter Parka

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I'm pissed off at how the fat cats in the bank caused the recession through doing a shit job yet get paid absurd amounts of money while the rest of the country suffers. Then the government bails them out with our tax money at which they promptly blow most of it on Christmas bonuses for themselves.:mad:thumbdown


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I'm pissed off at how the fat cats in the bank caused the recession through doing a shit job yet get paid absurd amounts of money while the rest of the country suffers. Then the government bails them out with our tax money at which they promptly blow most of it on Christmas bonuses for themselves.:mad:thumbdown

It's funny also how the leading proponents for the free market are the very same people who ran to the govt crying like little girls when they fucked up.

There's the dude from RBS who's written a book shouting for less regulation and less govt interference, and he was the first at Whitehall begging for help, like a little schoolgirl who's wet herself. What a prick.


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Funny..... Now, I might be wrong but isn't a situation when profits are kept private yet losses are put upon the general public the definition of a certain word that beings w/an F? (not FuckedUP either)


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Problem: The gov't fucked us by setting up legislation that favored the politicians' biggest campaign contributors, gave lip service to everyone else, and constricted our liberty.

Solution: The gov't should set up legislation to appear to restrict politicians' biggest campaign contributors, force cookie-cutter services on everyone whether they want it or not, and tax everyone to the point that they wouldn't be able to pay for their own services, thereby justifying those gov't services, and further constrict our liberty.

Sure. Good plan.


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Problem: The gov't fucked us by setting up legislation that favored the politicians' biggest campaign contributors, gave lip service to everyone else, and constricted our liberty.

Solution: The gov't should set up legislation to appear to restrict politicians' biggest campaign contributors, force cookie-cutter services on everyone whether they want it or not, and tax everyone to the point that they wouldn't be able to pay for their own services, thereby justifying those gov't services, and further constrict our liberty.

Sure. Good plan.

the system fucked us. this is capitalism at it's finest.


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Again, it's not capitalism, but what's the point in having this conversation again?

what is it then?

As I see it, it's the biggest flaw in capitalism: the money heads upward. This has been proven time and time again. I don't understand how you can't see that, it's really a very basic concept.

But how would that explain the Russian and Chinese recessions ?

Russia = State Capitalism
China = State Capitalism

But actually China's planned economy is doing rather well in comparison to our "free markets..."


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We've never practiced free market capitalism. Once businessmen get enough extra profit they purchase politicians to add or change legislation to manipulate the market and block new competition. Left on it's own, the free market balances reward with the risk of failure. Our system shunts the risk to the taxpayer, so that the businessman can take ever-greater chances without having to pay the price of failure.

In our case, the government has started assuming the risk for all types of ventures, including mortgages. banks don't have to be careful about who they lend money to because they sell it to Fanny & Freddie. Politicians buy low-income voters by enticing banks to practically, sometimes literally, give away loans. Banks did it gladly, being completely insulated from the foreclosures sure to come.

So no, it wasn't capitalism that caused the recession. It was politicians, blinded by bribes, that abandoned their responsibilities.


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We've never practiced free market capitalism. Once businessmen get enough extra profit they purchase politicians to add or change legislation to manipulate the market and block new competition. Left on it's own, the free market balances reward with the risk of failure. Our system shunts the risk to the taxpayer, so that the businessman can take ever-greater chances without having to pay the price of failure.

In our case, the government has started assuming the risk for all types of ventures, including mortgages. banks don't have to be careful about who they lend money to because they sell it to Fanny & Freddie. Politicians buy low-income voters by enticing banks to practically, sometimes literally, give away loans. Banks did it gladly, being completely insulated from the foreclosures sure to come.

So no, it wasn't capitalism that caused the recession. It was politicians, blinded by bribes, that abandoned their responsibilities.

that's why it was in quotation marks. Although, go back 100 years and you've got your free, unregulated markets. And look what happened there, low and behold, the money moved it's way upward through society - the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Exactly the same as now.

I do see the part responsibility of politicians here, they could've helped minimise the damage caused but didn't, for their own political self-interests.


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that's why it was in quotation marks. Although, go back 100 years and you've got your free, unregulated markets. And look what happened there, low and behold, the money moved it's way upward through society - the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Exactly the same as now.
Right. Exactly the same as now, complete with tailor-made politicians. You'll have to go back into the 19th century to find free-market capitalism in the US on a macro scale, if it ever existed at all.


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Right. Exactly the same as now, complete with tailor-made politicians. You'll have to go back into the 19th century to find free-market capitalism in the US on a macro scale, if it ever existed at all.

there's an interesting theory which I'm sure you'll laugh your head off to, as it comes from the pure Marxists out there. They claim the free-market was simply the transition from feudalism to capitalism... and can't actually exist....

I guess what we had back then was as close as it's ever gotten.


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sure you can. that's the basis of the global economy, and most countries economic models. There are variations of course, and very few places that could be regarded as totally free-markets, thank god, but most countries have capitalism as the basis of their economies. Including the UK and the US, ground zero for the economic collapse.


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But it wasn't the basis that caused the problem. If it was, it wouldn't be the basis at all. The problems were caused by human intervention trying to play the system & gain unfair advantage.

Minor Axis

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We are in a recession because a substantial number of human beings are greedy bastards and another substantial group want to live beyond their means.


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It's not worth its own thread and would be pointless to tell people who don't read these threads:

I've just been called a Liberal! :24::24: Is that a classic or what?? :24::24: