So... Mel and I have new laptops and we did something and haven't figure out ho to fix it without rebooting our here is the 1000 tokenz question:
Right so you are excited and typing away and you hit the shift, question mark and Ctrl keys all at thing you know, you're typing in some language that means shit all to you....How, without having to reboot, do you change it back to English normal keys again?:24::24::24::ninja First person to give us the correct answer gets the tokenz
...i feel so dumb. lmao:24:
Right so you are excited and typing away and you hit the shift, question mark and Ctrl keys all at thing you know, you're typing in some language that means shit all to you....How, without having to reboot, do you change it back to English normal keys again?:24::24::24::ninja First person to give us the correct answer gets the tokenz
...i feel so dumb. lmao:24: