I'm not the type of guy who feels like a movie needs to be exactly like the book. Hell, I prefer it isn't. I like seeing what directors/writers will do with the source material. Plus I got an old man memory and I don't remember specific details in even my favourite book a lot of the time. There are select cases where I'm upset when massive changes are made to the book, however, like for Priest, which was NOTHING like the comic... I don't even know why they would even bother getting the license to make it except for possibly bringing in a bigger audience (the fans of the comic). But anyway, since I have read World War Z, I do have a couple comments on the trailer...
1) I like Brad Pitt. Always have, always will. While he's a massive star, it doesn't change the fact that he's a fantastic actor.
2) I feel like World War Z would be better fitted for a TV show (so long as it has a decent budget). This is based entirely on the format (oral biography) in which the book is written. I'm not going to pretend that I would be able to adapt it or anything, but the book screams TV more than movie.
3) With that said, the movie does look good. Doesn't look like it's anything out of the ordinary in the genre, but I could be surprised. I never expect movies to have the depth of a book, but I hope this does tackle some of the issues that World War Z did.
Also; I'm liking this season of the Walking Dead more than last season. I liked last season, I just am glad they kicked it up a notch.