Victims of bullying face lingering health issues
Victims of bullying face lingering health issues - Kids and parenting-
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A 42-year-old state senator from Columbus, Ohio, Goodman now looks back and says he’s found an upside to all that bullying: it made him tougher and at the same time more empathetic to the suffering of others. But, he says, “some 30 odd years later, it still hurts.”
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Although people like Goodman can sometimes find a positive outcome to the bullying they endured as children, there is now mounting evidence that many are left with scars — in terms of poorer mental and physical health — that can last a lifetime.
A study just published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that adults who were bullied as children were more likely than others to suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as a host of physical ills, including fatigue, pain and a greater susceptibility to colds.
Victims of bullying face lingering health issues - Kids and parenting-
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