Verrrrrrry Interesting

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In my readings, today, I came across a reference to a book by Timothy Price/Adam Whitestone- Ravings of a Lunatic, (I found the e book here It appears to be a book about how the Bible is a symbolic history of the Earth and Carbon life.

One reader says of the book's author:

He puts forth that Carbon and Satan are the same word. Carbon based fossil fuels are formed from the bodies of dead beings. During the resurrection these dead are brought up and burned in furnaces. Their energy is released, and this is from the "first beast" which had died. "Another beast", electricity, was produced which has two horns, positive and negative polarities, which has all the power of the first beast but without the "deadly wound" (the smoke, ash, etc. of burning carbon). The electricity allowed mass media, to make an "image to the beast" (advertising and political propaganda) to deceive them that dwell on earth, and to worship the first beast, fossil fuels (oil and coal).

These fossil fuels are the temporal power of satan which is a substitute for the sun's energy, or The Prince of Darkness, the unseen ruler of men, who has dominion over all the earth. Who has the power to turn away from him? And finally, the lines from Revelations "for he who can count, who has the knowledge, the number of the beast is 6-6-6. As we now know, the atomic structure of the carbon atom is: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. How did they know this in the 2nd century AD when this was written?

Well, it says that an angel came and presented John with a book, and this is what it said. Who was the angel, and where did it come from, who know this information and warned mankind about the evils of fossil fuels?

Re Carbon, there are at least 15 carbon isotopes, 3 of which are stable in nature Carbon 12, 13 and 14. Carbon 12 makes up 99% of carbon on earth with Carbon 13 and Carbon 14 having 1% each.

Another reader wrote
It has been less than rewarding to read anything about Christian theology after reading Whitestone's book, because, as it says, "the worth of any good theory is that it takes the incomprehensible and suddenly makes it clear and useful", or something to that effect. When it says in Revelations that "Satan was cast into the earth like a stone" and you read that when the Romans first discovered coal, they called it a stone. And when you read of the battle between Satan and Michael (the archangel of the Sun) and you read it all in parallel with geologic history and the formation of the deposits of the Carboniferous age, the whole thing makes sense. It is so wonderful.

Even the simple story of Adam and Eve, and why they were expelled from Eden, is totally misunderstood in Christian teachings. Christianity is a confused mess of nonsense when seen in the light of Carbon being the physical vehicle, and yes, the deceiver, the slanderer, the character which blocks all but the most careful seekers.

No one has yet mentioned the most recent use of fossil fuels for which man is utterly dependent upon, which has made him weak, which has been responsible for the raising of empires, and without which he would be naked and helpless. No one has offered any suggestion as to how humanity is going to get out of this predicament. No one has mentioned that the fossil fuel industry is corrupting all of human affairs, distorting the Earth, and is responsible for the lies which the media perpetrates in support of government and corporate power.

Why is this? What I hear is that carbon may not be the only life form. Or, maybe it is only a vehicle for the human spirit and actually has no influence in and of itself. I see we are in an age of tremendous consequences, biblical in proportions, and eyes need to be opened now or be lost.

"and the Earth helped the woman (Mother Nature) and opened to swallow up the beast" or something similar to this in actual writing. The great battle between carbon dioxide, free oxygen from plants, and the sequential ice ages which gave us the huge deposits of fossil materials. It is great reading. An in the last days, Satan will be fierce because he knows he has but a short time. And the second beast, having only two horns, but getting his power from the first, and having all the power of the first beast. ...This is alternating current.. electricity.. positive and negative charges ..which powers our world, the media, gives us the false information, sells us the consumer life. And the mark of the beast, in order to buy and sell, the credit card industry which robs the population, and is owned by and gives the profits to the financial institutions which....happen to also be the same people who have the fossil fuel industries. This is the mark of the beast, 6-6-6, and he who has this mark will not have life. This is real evil being practice by respected and controlling leaders of our society. Who will have the power to turn away indeed.

This is real evil, practiced upon the sleeping,, indulgent souls of this Earth by unscrupulous leaders, powerful people in the world. And this is the natural, and totally predictable ultimate nature of all carbon life, at any time, and anywhere in the universe. Just like a willow tree will bust into your plumbing to get the richer nutrients.. It is not a bad willow tree, it is a natural, carbon based instinct of self interest. The fact that our leaders, our people are doing it, with intent, and that those in society are giving the the means to them.... that is evil. It is the conquest of Carbon/Satan over a spirit nature.
I'm just throwing this out there for anyone who might be interested. Whether the lunatic referred to in the title is supposed to be the author of Revelations or the author of the book, your guess is as good as mine. It might be a fun read...
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Dat carbon is the debil!!!



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I think you can interpret anything almost any way you want, if you're prepared to spend enough time on it.