As reported by the Washington AP.
So since we cannot verify that they weren't sick before they went over to serve our country, we can safetly assume that they must have been sick all along???
It's times like this that our government makes me sick to my stomach. If Bush wants to act like a grown-up and send our troops in harms way, then he had better have the balls to follow through and take care of them once they return home. It's time they/he step up to the plate and do the right thing. I don't care if they never find out whom is to blame... just take care of the soliders. Period.
Inadequate screening of soldiers before deployment in the Gulf War, coupled with a lack of environmental monitoring during the conflict, have hindered efforts to determine whether exposure to those contaminants is linked to any illness, the report also notes.
For years, the government denied the mysterious illnesses were linked to the war. It now acknowledges that at least some were due to wartime service. The government is no longer pointing to stress as the likely reason, as some federally funded studies had suggested.
The new report did find evidence of an elevated risk of the rare nerve disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, among Gulf War veterans. They also face an increased risk of anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse, it said.
So since we cannot verify that they weren't sick before they went over to serve our country, we can safetly assume that they must have been sick all along???
It's times like this that our government makes me sick to my stomach. If Bush wants to act like a grown-up and send our troops in harms way, then he had better have the balls to follow through and take care of them once they return home. It's time they/he step up to the plate and do the right thing. I don't care if they never find out whom is to blame... just take care of the soliders. Period.