I'm so sick to death of hearing about the Left doing this and the Right being responsible for that. Why can't the country just wake the fuck up and work together? Why must you align yourself with the Democrats or the Republicans to become a political leader in this country? The problem with aligning yourself with a party, is that you have now become one of the pack, supporting everything that they want you to support. What if your beliefs stretch across both parties? If all the energy that is used to attach each other was put to productive use, most of our nations problems would have viable solutions.
This mostly stems from hearing Rush and Hannity screaming out that Democrats don't support our troops. This is total bullshit! How fucking irresponsible is that to say such things. These people are looked up to by their mass following. I don't think you could find a single red blooded american that say that they are against our troops. Our policy? Yes. But not the troops. When Senatore Murtha was urging us to pull out of Iraq, he stated that it would take at least 6 months to do it safely, he made it clear that he was concerned about our troops safety and wanted it done right. He wanted them out to prevent the additional loss of life. Then Rush has the balls to turn it around and say that he is against the troops.
And these guys need to stop wineing about the removal of Christmas trees in public schools. Get over it, and stop being fucking hipocrits.
This mostly stems from hearing Rush and Hannity screaming out that Democrats don't support our troops. This is total bullshit! How fucking irresponsible is that to say such things. These people are looked up to by their mass following. I don't think you could find a single red blooded american that say that they are against our troops. Our policy? Yes. But not the troops. When Senatore Murtha was urging us to pull out of Iraq, he stated that it would take at least 6 months to do it safely, he made it clear that he was concerned about our troops safety and wanted it done right. He wanted them out to prevent the additional loss of life. Then Rush has the balls to turn it around and say that he is against the troops.
And these guys need to stop wineing about the removal of Christmas trees in public schools. Get over it, and stop being fucking hipocrits.