So what you will about Ron Paul, he's sure as hell not owned by the MIC or any special interests. He's not afraid to tell it how it is, consequences be damned. Obama, and pretty much all major politicians have sold their power to the corporations, special interests, and anyone that will keep them in power. The true TEA Party centered around Ron Paul, before it was completely subverted by the Sarah Palin and the neocon right. It's time for We The People to take this country back... but unfortunately all of the sheeple out there are clueless. They don't care about anything but what directly concerns them, not realizing that what concerns the rest of the country will eventually concern them as well. They believe what the news media tells them to believe --- whether it be coming from the left via MSNBC, CNN, NPR, etc., or the right via Fox News and talk radio. They'd sooner just trust what they're told rather than to do their own research. From the hardcore environmentalists all the way to the religious right; by and large, none of them really bother to look into the issues and the candidates themselves. The Republicans and Democrats are simply different sides of the same coin, they're owned by the same people, the same interests, the MIC, etc. Ron Paul, and others like him, symbolize a completely different direction; one that hasn't been bought by the corporations. It's just too bad people have their blinders on and are unwilling to see the truth.