This gets my goolies about racism and sexism.

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The Joker

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Sexism is defined as the discrimination of a person based on gender, right?

And racism is defined as the discrimination of a person based on race, skin colour, or background.

So why then, is Sexism against men and racism against white people given the name Reverse Sexism or Racism? It's not, it's the exact same thing.

For example, if a black person makes a club, and labels it "The Black Club (no white people allowed)" everyone just says "Oh, let them do their own thing it's alright" however, if a white person makes a club and labels it "The White Club (no black people allowed) everyone gets into a massive hype and this person isinstantly public enemy #1. How is that fair? Both the black people AND the public would be racist against white people in said situation. NOT "Reverse Racist" according to the proper definiton of racism.

Also, one of the most STUPID things I have EVER heard in my LIFE that has anything to do, REMOTELY with sexism, is the fact that if 2 workers, a male and a female, are interviewed for a job, and both have the EXACT same qualifications, and are equal for the job, then the female MUST be chosen. Now that is LUDICROUS. People claim it rids sexism among the work place, by making it fair for women. How does it rid the workplace of sexism? What it's doing is tkaing away one form of sexism, and replacing it with another, debatebly worse form.

Anyway, that's my rant, feel free to post your ideas.
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Toes in the water...
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I do not believe in affirmative action and reverse racism is a way to say you aren't racist. Racism is racism, doesn't matter if it goes from white to black, or black to white, or yellow or purple or whatever.

Jason Stayborne

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Its so true, but women still have it rough now, they get less money and junk, so they at least deserve the job part, but for the racism part, agreed, that stuffs in the past now so we shouldn't give a damn about what skin you are, you do something segregationalist and you should be punished for it


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Agreed, Joker.

There's some theory that racism can only be used against the minority and not the reverse (since it's reaction to racism). I don't believe it's true.


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Sexism is defined as the discrimination of a person based on gender, right?

And racism is defined as the discrimination of a person based on race, skin colour, or background.

So why then, is Sexism against men and racism against white people given the name Reverse Sexism or Racism? It's not, it's the exact same thing.

For example, if a black person makes a club, and labels it "The Black Club (no white people allowed)" everyone just says "Oh, let them do their own thing it's alright" however, if a white person makes a club and labels it "The White Club (no black people allowed) everyone gets into a massive hype and this person isinstantly public enemy #1. How is that fair? Both the black people AND the public would be racist against white people in said situation. NOT "Reverse Racist" according to the proper definiton of racism.

Also, one of the most STUPID things I have EVER heard in my LIFE that has anything to do, REMOTELY with sexism, is the fact that if 2 workers, a male and a female, are interviewed for a job, and both have the EXACT same qualifications, and are equal for the job, then the female MUST be chosen. Now that is LUDICROUS. People claim it rids sexism among the work place, by making it fair for women. How does it rid the workplace of sexism? What it's doing is tkaing away one form of sexism, and replacing it with another, debatebly worse form.

Anyway, that's my rant, feel free to post your ideas.

Reverse sexism isn't sexism against men and reverse racism isn't being racist against white people. Reverse racism/sexism is making exceptions for someone specifically because they are of a certain race or sex...aka like tokenism.

I don't know what your EEOC laws are like in Australia, but I know here there is nothing in place that says if a man and a woman go for the same job with the exact qualifications you MUST hire the woman. That's ridiculous. However, I do take exception to the fact that in the case of exact same qualifications women still only make (on average) 70-75% of what men make in most markets. That is sexism. It's 50's mentality that men must have a family to take care of and that a working woman doesn't.

Now as far as affirmative action...I think it's an unfortunate necessary evil in America...we're not mature enough as a people to see past things like race and gender as being qualified for a job so if it didn't exist, you would see people not getting jobs based on race, sex, and age...but at the same time, that very law forwards racism, sexism, ageism because it breeds contempt. It's a tricky one for sure. You want to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity, but in some respects you're removing it. I used to teach professional development at a career school. One of the classes focused on this very topic. A lot of my students (it was Allied Health Careers) were black women and one raised her hand and said (and I don't know why this has stuck with me...and bear with me I'm paraphrasing) "As someone who is trying to show her children and grandchildren that there is more to life than being in the welfare system, it pains me to know that I may get a job based solely on the fact that I'm a black woman. I want to get a job because they respect me as a professional and for the job I can do."

I'll leave it at that since I've rambled enough. :D


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Reverse sexism isn't sexism against men and reverse racism isn't being racist against white people. Reverse racism/sexism is making exceptions for someone specifically because they are of a certain race or sex.

Well said. As soon as I came upon this topic I was thinking of a way to explain it. Usually in Public Sector employment a candidate for a job will be interviewed by a panel of three people. One has to be male, one female and the other has to be of an ethnic minority. That way it's a fair interview.

I used to work as a recruitment consultant and employing a woman over a man based purely on her gender and not her suitability to the job is ridiculous. I'm not sure where that kind of policy is employed but I know I've never come across it.


The cake is a metaphor
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Also, one of the most STUPID things I have EVER heard in my LIFE that has anything to do, REMOTELY with sexism, is the fact that if 2 workers, a male and a female, are interviewed for a job, and both have the EXACT same qualifications, and are equal for the job, then the female MUST be chosen. Now that is LUDICROUS. People claim it rids sexism among the work place, by making it fair for women. How does it rid the workplace of sexism? What it's doing is tkaing away one form of sexism, and replacing it with another, debatebly worse form.

Yes, but they often aren't anyway, because women make babies. And babies = maternity leave.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, but they often aren't anyway, because women make babies. And babies = maternity leave.

Doesn't the UK have something like the Family Medical Leave act that we have here? Men get the same time off when their wives have a baby...completely equal...well, except they don' t have to go through the pain of childbirth and recovery...they just get the time off. ;)


The cake is a metaphor
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Doesn't the UK have something like the Family Medical Leave act that we have here? Men get the same time off when their wives have a baby...completely equal...well, except they don' t have to go through the pain of childbirth and recovery...they just get the time off. ;)

I don't know, probably, very few take advantage of it.


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It is racism. Ive never heard of "reverse racism", its JUST racism. However, modern culture doesnt take racism against a majority as lightly as it does against a minority. If you want this to change, make a group or club, or start writing your congressman. Or hell, start taking people to trial.

Personally, Ill call my asian and black friends racial slurs all the time, the funny thing is they have NOTHING to say to me thats popular/insult against the white race. The truth is for MOST white people, they probably have never seen racism like a black or asian has. You can atleast take comfort in that truth I guess.


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What I don't like is the scholarships in college for minorities... If that's not blatant racism, I don't know what is. If there was a scholarship for white people, you can bet your bottom dollar there's be screaming and yelling until it was gone.

I swear, America now discriminates against white males. Everyone else gets all the subsidies and aid and special intrest groups, but not white males.


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My original post was aimed at black to white racism. However, as for sexism, the logic of having women to be more often employed is backed by the idea taht if a woman is 20-35 or so, she has a chance at beocoming a mother. Unfortunately, some employers will avoid getting females soley because of this. There is other logic, such as women feeling that since they havent had as many equal rights as men in the United States, they feel as a whole (not on an individual case), the are behind men as a whole. I will agree that the above statement is somewhat true, but I do not feel its repeating a mistake to force the hiring of one sex or race, it has the potential to create the same controversy later on.


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Being a Mixed person living in an area that is 87% Anglo Saxon lends to experience. The few Black folks mostly stay together as do the small population % of Latin and Native Americans. Yet all one has to do is come into one of the state's more populated urban areas where racial diversity is more commonplace.

Alot of times they take me to be a Mexican :rofl2:until they hear my Southern Accent.

Better to take people as individuals instead of lumping them together as a Race, Culture or Gender. Cult-like behavior is a different story, then I guess it's a controlled thought situation where members only parrot the words and live their lives according to the cult-leader's wishes.

Groups like the Klan or Panthers all share a collective mindset.