I've been reviewing every movie I see in my livejournal by just writing down points to remember it by. It isn't a full on review or anything, so here it is:
The Strangers (2008) - 3 people invade the house of a couple, horrors ensue. First movie by the director... so it shows a bit. Great atmosphere the entire time through. A few really great scares (like when the killers are first seen, and the use of music skipping) and a feeling of dread that built through the entire thing. However, the first half was really promising/great (I've used that a lot), but it got worse and worse. Iffy on the ending, might have cut the last 10 mins or so out. Couple did really stupid things. Overused some things until the effect was cheapened, such as people appearing. Acting was okay but not great. Lots of clichés, however, not to the point of being entirely lame.
Entertainment: 7.5/10
Artsy Fartsy: 6/10
Total: 6.75/10
Despite having a generic plot, and the characters being dumb, and falling apart as it went on, I enjoyed this movie because the atmosphere was impressive for a first time director. If it wouldn't have fell apart it coulda been great, one of my favourite horror movies.