This belief is the cause of almost every problem the world has ever faced. If individuals are not able to do anything, how on earth is a united group of mindless zombies going to get anything done? Organizations, united fronts, groups, collectives, they're all just representations and supporters of the individual minds that have come up with an answer. Without the individuals that are leading it - I repeat, the INDIVIDUALS - then all we have is a united organization of mindless zombies who somehow expect the very existence of a united organization to be able to solve a problem, that there is absolutely no thought required to it. Organize! Unite! Collectivize! We see where collectivization has gotten us in the past - why on earth do you think it will help today?
"But he/I (probably) just meant that we should all organize and pitch ideas to each other to..." NO. Saying we can't do anything as individuals means also that we can't think as individuals. The problem with this is that there is only - ONLY - the individual mind, there is no such thing as a collective mind! How many times does this statement have to be explained fore people to understand it - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND!!!!!!!!!!!! Any sort of collective that has ever existed, any union or organization, has just be a large groups of INDIVIDUAL minds, and they are usually headed by a small group of INDIVIDUALS who are seen as the leaders because they either came up with the best ideas - INDIVIDUALLY - or because they are the ones best at thinking the problems through and using their individual minds to lead the organization/union/collective/group.
The answer is not to become more organized and unified, but to become more individualistic. We HAVE to start thinking for ourselves, using logic and reason to reach the answers independently. We have to start coming up with solutions without the help of others - we can all unite behind an idea, but only if it is a good one and we have used our individual minds to agree with and that we individually support, not support just because everyone else is up supporting it. Individualism is dying - real individualism is dying, it's being replaced with statements like "we can't do anything as individuals" or fashionable non-conformists - the biggest cheats, frauds, traitors, and conformists to ever walk the face of the earth. The only solution to the problems of the world is to INDIVIDUALIZE.
Collectives of the world, Disband!
Individuals of the world, declare your independence!
We can't do anything as individuals. We have to unite and organize.
This belief is the cause of almost every problem the world has ever faced. If individuals are not able to do anything, how on earth is a united group of mindless zombies going to get anything done? Organizations, united fronts, groups, collectives, they're all just representations and supporters of the individual minds that have come up with an answer. Without the individuals that are leading it - I repeat, the INDIVIDUALS - then all we have is a united organization of mindless zombies who somehow expect the very existence of a united organization to be able to solve a problem, that there is absolutely no thought required to it. Organize! Unite! Collectivize! We see where collectivization has gotten us in the past - why on earth do you think it will help today?
"But he/I (probably) just meant that we should all organize and pitch ideas to each other to..." NO. Saying we can't do anything as individuals means also that we can't think as individuals. The problem with this is that there is only - ONLY - the individual mind, there is no such thing as a collective mind! How many times does this statement have to be explained fore people to understand it - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE MIND!!!!!!!!!!!! Any sort of collective that has ever existed, any union or organization, has just be a large groups of INDIVIDUAL minds, and they are usually headed by a small group of INDIVIDUALS who are seen as the leaders because they either came up with the best ideas - INDIVIDUALLY - or because they are the ones best at thinking the problems through and using their individual minds to lead the organization/union/collective/group.
The answer is not to become more organized and unified, but to become more individualistic. We HAVE to start thinking for ourselves, using logic and reason to reach the answers independently. We have to start coming up with solutions without the help of others - we can all unite behind an idea, but only if it is a good one and we have used our individual minds to agree with and that we individually support, not support just because everyone else is up supporting it. Individualism is dying - real individualism is dying, it's being replaced with statements like "we can't do anything as individuals" or fashionable non-conformists - the biggest cheats, frauds, traitors, and conformists to ever walk the face of the earth. The only solution to the problems of the world is to INDIVIDUALIZE.
Collectives of the world, Disband!
Individuals of the world, declare your independence!