Time to stand together
Ignoring the warning of the international society, North Korea launched the missile. The sanction on North Korea should be made.
First, the nations should apply the U.N resolution 1718 on this event. A new resolution concerning the missile crisis should be drafted immediately. The sanction on North Korea should be continued regardless of the United States removing North Korea from the terror supporting nations list
If North Korea tries to solidify its position as a nuclear state, the international states should prevent this disatster. North Korea completely betrayed the good wills of the 6 party talks.
If the international society does not pay attention, the North Korea will develope new kinds of WMD. The neighboring nations should be on alert and unite against this menace. If the nations stand together, they shall prevail.
Ignoring the warning of the international society, North Korea launched the missile. The sanction on North Korea should be made.
First, the nations should apply the U.N resolution 1718 on this event. A new resolution concerning the missile crisis should be drafted immediately. The sanction on North Korea should be continued regardless of the United States removing North Korea from the terror supporting nations list
If North Korea tries to solidify its position as a nuclear state, the international states should prevent this disatster. North Korea completely betrayed the good wills of the 6 party talks.
If the international society does not pay attention, the North Korea will develope new kinds of WMD. The neighboring nations should be on alert and unite against this menace. If the nations stand together, they shall prevail.