The GOP Convention Thread

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Minor Axis

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I understand why I'm not watching a lot of the GOP Convention. I end up yelling at the T.V. I've just lost what little respect I had for Senator John McCain who presented a war monger speech wrapped in the flag and patriotism. And he was cheered! :( It was like watching the intro of a movie about the end of the world at the hands of a myopic military view from an over the hill warrior. If there are reasons why you don't want the GOP in charge, this would be one of the top reasons.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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I haven't watched a bit of it. Been doing a lot of fast-forwarding through our local news and lots of scrolling past on our local news sites. blah.

I did watch a couple of youtubes about Ron's delegates but that's it.

Lots of people will be glad to be done w/this thing. Closed streets & bridges have made traffic a nightmare and the full display of our police state interesting.

There are restaurants close by the convention that are blocked by fences that are losing money when they were led to believe a boon was coming and purchased accordingly. Tampa's mayor this evening said there was nothing he could do in this Post 9/11 world. Yes, he really brought up September 11th as justification.

It's our brave new world where political cheaters are lauded as victors. gag.

They just handed the election to President Obama.:cool There are republicans out there with critical thinking skills who recognize bs when it's right in front of them.
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Joe the meek

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Lets see...

People throwing nuts at a black reporter telling the reporter that's "how we feed animals here" (or to that extent)
You have the Ron Paul fans pissed off
Have a hurricane coming through town
Have the Maine delegates walk off
Got Trump the Bozo involved
Got Mr. John's speech

I'm not going to vote for Obama, but dang, the republicans are pissing me off just as much as Obama's camp/democrats are.

*&^*& getting to be a lost cause.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The little I have seen snippets of look like just angry White Men doing their bashing. Not a racial thing IMO but just the way I perceive it. On par with the likes of Maxine Waters, Waxman, Barney Frank and the like on the left

Not one once of charisma and lots to bash

I used to watch quite a bit of both party conventions years ago but no longer waste my time

Minor Axis

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Huffinton Post:
Paul Ryan Republican Convention Speech: Safe, Straight And A Carnivore's Delight

But at times, the lines strained basic notions of fairness or logic, like when he pinned the blame on Obama for failing to resuscitate a GM plant from Ryan's hometown of Janesville, Wis., that had actually closed under President George W. Bush. Or when he attacked Obama for losing America's AAA credit rating when it was the political shenanigans of House Republican leadership that played an equal if not more damaging role.

Ryan said Obama created a debt commission and then "sent them on their way," while "doing exactly nothing." He failed to mention that he sat on the commission and voted against its report. Ryan also attacked Obama for cutting "hundreds of billions of dollars out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare," without noting that his own budget proposal incorporated those same cuts, ostensibly to pay for tax cuts or deficit reduction.

It all boils down to "do you believe" their vision? The problem is, I don't.

They believe in trickle down, want to add 4 trillion to the deficit to make rich people more comfortable than they all ready are. BTW, this 4 trillion along with all the debt all ready piled up (hey, look who was irresponsible for the last 8 years previous to Obama) they want to pay for by cutting taxes and programs even more. And they think the military does not need to be shrunk although our military is equal to the next 15 countries (something like that) combined.

Oh and to keep the rich comfortable and corporations chugging along, you can work till you drop, don't plan on retiring, turn bankers loose so they can dig another hole for the country, minimize environmental standards because the Earth is made to be profited from, and who cares about health care? We are all going to die anyway, might as well be sooner than later. wink.gif

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Kyle B

V.I.P User
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I completely forgot that the convention was even happening this week. It seems to be a pretty pathetic spectacle anyway.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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yeah Minor the democrats are real good stewards of the spending :D

as long as the parties have the likes of Minor they will be able to pit us against each other.

they both spend like there is no limit to pander to their followers

then heaven forbid somebody sane calls them on that bullshit they are labeled nuts

Minor Axis

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I have a few brief comments, lol:

A Doozy of a Last Night At the Convention
What I heard tonight despite the last two years of contrary rhetoric was a deliberate attempt to claim ownership of the traditional Democrat message and it was amazing, amazing in an negative way. How many suckers bought it? ;)


OMG, Clint Eastwood a man who is reported to be pro gay marriage, pro-choice, believes in global warming, and is against the wars, is parading out in front of the audience so he can ad-lib an address talking to an invisible President in a chair who tells him to tell Romney to go "F" himself? LOL. He is a creative and talented genius for telling stories. Maybe he should stick to a script and stay outside the political arena. ;)

When Marco Rubio spoke of his parent working at KMart, I was reminded of the GOP vision to have us all working at KMart in minimalist jobs. For describing the wonderful opportunities the US represented for his family, I wonder how he reconciles that with GOP , the party he has aligned himself with, whose efforts are destroy those opportunities. Instead of a better day for everyone, the GOP strives hard to make it a better day for certain people while telling the rest, they should know their places. And in his entire speech he had nothing to say about Romney.

Romney: He gave a good speech in the beginning. What stood out was when he mentioned taking care of the poor, the sick, and the elderly, there was no applause in the hall. You could not ask for a clearer example of actions being stronger, and overshadowing words. As part of the rah-rah military gun-ho party, I am very surprised that there was no mention of our service people abroad, fighting, dieing, and coming home maimed for our country and there was no mention of the travail of Tropical Storm Isaac on the people of Louisiana.

He spoke of people loosing their $22.50 per hour job and having to go work at two $9 per hour jobs. This IS the GOP vision, aligned with corporatists and corporate welfare, a vision of the present and the future. For everyone to have plenty, you can't be giving the most well off people of society most of the benefits. Despite the plenty of the 1950's where it was proven that you can have high taxes on the wealthy, and low taxes on Middle/Lower working class, an economy can not only survive but thrive. Republicans keep touting the magic bullet of ultra low taxes, but when it has not worked, they want them to go lower. They complain that Democrats are irresponsible, but it was under a Republican President that this country had the first substantial deficits due to the willful polices and promotions of a Republican President, Ronald Reagan.

"When you need to get a really big job accomplished, you need an American." The highest level of bombastisity achieved to date at a National Political Convention. Yes we are much much better than the entire world, just stay away from any comparative statistics and have another Koolaid.

"Why should women have any less say?"
Excuse me, you Mr. Romney are in the GOP, better known as the GOB (Good Ole Boys network) that convenes a conference on Capital Hill on women's health and reproductive issues and does not invite any women experts to speak, lol and whose party has been attacking women and women's issues over the last year.

His sons loved playing war, but they, nor Romney has ever participated in National Service.

Romney helped others through Church and Family while his evil alter ego cavorted at Bain Capital. Just read about KB Toys in this Rolling Stone Article: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.


And this is where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success, the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator who revived moribund companies as a high-priced consultant for a storied Wall Street private equity firm. But what most voters don't know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain, stark reality that has somehow eluded America's top political journalists for two consecutive presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth.

"We celebrate success, not criticize it."
But for Romney's definition of success, isn't it fair that we as a society consider the number of people helped vs harmed by Mr. Romney's past successes? Is "I made myself and my partners filthy rich" the only standard we hold for success?

When he spoke of the excitement we had when Obama was elected and inferred how disappointed we should be today, he completely overlooked his parties roll and responsibility in the scheming, foot dragging, and blocking, as Mitch McConnell has admitted, (the GOP) tried their damnedest to make Obama a failure, even when he suggested ideas that Republican's normally embrace? I imagined GOP delegates giving each other high fives on a great job.


And after all the lovey-dovey good family vibes Romney projected he makes a joke about Obama's commitment global warming during the hottest year in recorded history, then turns militaristic, jabbing Russia in the eye and complaining that after being elected, Obama had the nerve to "talk" to the Iranians?? Yes, because this is what the crowd always laps up in conservative thinking… WAR is always better than Diplomacy.

And regarding Iran and the "centrifuges that keep on spinning", we can blame the Bush Administration, specifically The DICK of blowing a CIA operative's cover working specifically on Iran's nuclear plans and capabilities, due to policy/political difference Plame's husband had with the Administration.
Raw Story: Outed CIA officer was working on Iran, intelligence sources say.
Wiki: Valerie Plame Affair.

The unmasking of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson by White House officials in 2003 caused significant damage to U.S. national security and its ability to counter nuclear proliferation abroad, RAW STORY has learned.
According to current and former intelligence officials, Plame Wilson, who worked on the clandestine side of the CIA in the Directorate of Operations as a non-official cover (NOC) officer, was part of an operation tracking distribution and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction technology to and from Iran.

And remember, under Republican morals, no one went to jail. Of course the Democrats were neutered as usual...

Thanks for listening! :D
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The unmasking of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson by White House officials in 2003 caused significant damage to U.S. national security and its ability to counter nuclear proliferation abroad, RAW STORY has learned.
According to current and former intelligence officials, Plame Wilson, who worked on the clandestine side of the CIA in the Directorate of Operations as a non-official cover (NOC) officer, was part of an operation tracking distribution and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction technology to and from Iran.
I call this bullshit. Where is the source? I never saw it reported that she was involved in covert operations. If I am not mistaken one reason heads did not roll was because of that. Correct me if I am wrong but there were no charges for anything other than lieing about who so called outed her.


Accidental Bastard
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The chair thing was hokey but some of his other lines were kinda cool. Conservatives play it close to the vest and don't go hotdogging around. That made me laugh.


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Bizarre thread. People looking in on a revival meeting and complaining that there are too many religious people there. There's another revival next week. It'll be interesting to read that thread, if one even gets started.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Ron is the only republican I would vote for.

No, I'm not watching the DNC either. Last night I did come across this article on it and thought I'd drop it off here since the DNC doesn't have it's own thread yet :tooth

I started one!! :D

Interesting article. I agree that in the name of security, our liberties are being trampled on. I've always hated some of the aspects of the Patriot Act. The one that sticks out is that the FBI can investigate you based on what you check out from the public library! In certain ways I wish Obama was much more liberal. Such as getting rid of onerous security measures and getting out of the war 2 years ago like he said he would.