Jackass master
Old and worn out
How is your day going? Started as a normal day about 4:30 when I got up and made coffee. While munching a piece of cheese I bit down on something hard. Spit it out and it was a piece off my one upper molar in the very back. Dropped the wife off for a hair shop visit and went down to Elmira for my annual ICD check. The doc says for the first time it recorded a bunch of activity throughout the year including the one time when I went Afib and it shocked me. Then he told me the rest of the story. Seems none of this happened till they dropped my one med completely because it causes a lot of bad side effects. Then for good measure he said i have 3-6 months to go till it goes dead. Now he wants me back in 3 months right after they do another bone marrow tap. I will need an operation to fit a new one by June. I still have to get some sort of stress test here in January and see the cardiologist as well. Throw in a trip down into Pa. to get that tooth yanked when it starts hurting too bad and my new year is going to be a barrel of laughs.:24::24: