The Elizabeth Warren "love" thread

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Slightly Acidic
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This is the ONE person that I would vote for for President with no hesitation if she were so inclined to run. Everything I've ever heard her say is a perfect balance of educated logic and basic, common sense. If anyone today is truly speaking in the best interest of "average, middle-class Americans," it's Elizabeth Warren.

As I find them, I will be posting videos and articles of her work that I find most relevant to the current discussions. I hope lots of you will get to know what she has to say. I think no matter what side of the aisle you claim, you'll find plenty to agree with in what she says.

I'll start with a couple of short videos from her role as head of the COP (Congressional Oversight Panel) dealing with the impending foreclosure disaster, and how TARP money weaseled it's way into the auto industry.

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since nothing she is saying can be jammed into a 10 second or less sound bite there is no way she can make it to president.

people are fucking stupid and want to hear things that take less than 10 seconds to say. even though 10 seconds isnt enough time to take a position and explain it thoroughly the people dont care, they want to hear what makes them salivate when you ring the bell and as long as you make it extremely short they'll gobble it up and beg for seconds.

they dont want to hear a long drawn out speech. not sure why but clearly they fail to understand that things like the mortgage problem cannot possibly be explained in a 10 second sound blurb. things are very black and white in 10 second soundbites, which makes it easy to label it good or bad according to your political persuasion. this requires very little thought, only the ability to form a kneejerk reaction. when you take the time to learn about something the more details you process, requiring you to think and maybe reassess your original position which was formed most likely because of a soundbite.

people like her will never get into an office that would allow them to do any good because of this.


Slightly Acidic
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Isn't she the woman who is in charge of sorting out your financial crisis?

No so much "sorting out" She is in charge of the panel who's job is to oversee how the bailout funds are being spent and keep everyone honest. Unfortunately, she's continually reported that most of the money is long since gone with no way to trace it, and virtually no evidence that it actually was used for any public benefit. Plus, her panel was given no teeth to do it's job - no ability to subpoena or compel compliance, and no ability to levy fines or punishments for non-compliance.