I dunno how many people are Canadian, but this is how our government works. We have x amount of seats in the government, and the seats are divided up by x regions. Each region gets 1 representative. So now, we have a bunch of political parties. The 3 main parties are the NDP, the conservatives, and the liberals. Each party has a representative in each region that runs for a seat. The liberals, for as long as I can remember, always held the majority government. This means that they held more than half of the seats in the government, and could essentially do whatever they wanted. With the last election though, the liberals were the minority government. They held more seats than any other party, but collectively, they held less than half of the total seats. Whenever a new policy is to be enacted, each seat gets 1 vote. If the party in power (liberals), gets voted down, then the government falls and an election is called. The NDP have been working with the Liberals, but now have said they are going to work with the Conservatives after the Native Summit, which ends on the 27th. On the 28th, the government meets again, and this is where the NDP will vote against the liberals on the stuff that comes up at the Native Summit, and make the Liberals fall from power.