The ‘under God’ Atheist Takes on IRS

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The ‘under God’ Atheist Takes on IRS

Tuesday October 20, 2009

The Northern California atheist who sued to have the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance is now taking on one of the most powerful of all Earthly entities, the IRS.

According to ABC News 10, Michael Newdow of Sacramento, California, has now filed a federal lawsuit against the US Treasury, the IRS, and California's Franchise Tax Board, claiming that various tax breaks given to "ministers of the gospel" violate the First Amendment's separation of church and state clause.

Among other tax breaks available to them, ministers are allowed to exclude the cost of church-provided housing from their taxable income. Newdow's suit, filed on behalf of 21 Northern California members of Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), seeks to have all such exemptions stricken from the tax laws.

Newdow first gained national attention in 2000, when he filed a federal suit demanding that the words "under God" be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Despite winning a favorable ruling from a California U.S. appeals court, his suite was ultimately dismissed by the US Supreme Court.

In another losing effort, another Newdow suit demanding that the phrase "In God We Trust" be removed from US coins and bills was tossed out by a federal judge in Sacramento. Undaunted, Newdow filed yet another suit in December 2008 seeking to bar the use of the words "so help me God" from the oath of office to be administered to President-elect Barack Obama. He lost again, and Obama swore "so help me God."
Also See:
Church and State: How the Supreme Court Decides
Pledge of Allegiance Declared Unconstitutional (2002)
High Court Dismisses 'Under God' Pledge of Allegiance Case

The ‘under God’ Atheist Takes on IRS

What do you think? Should religious orders be allowed tax exemptions other than what is available to the rest of us?
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i hate atheists like this. its not enough to dont believe in god or religion, no they have to make everyone else miserable and try to force their beliefs on everyone else.

rather reminds me of some religious whackos i've had the displeasure of knowing.

as an atheist i am more offended by his bullshit behavior and lawsuits than i am by people getting tax breaks because of religion.

he isnt just an atheist, he's a religion basher and hater. its not the same as a person who doesnt believe in god. i dont believe in god but i dont hate religion.


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i hate atheists like this. its not enough to dont believe in god or religion, no they have to make everyone else miserable and try to force their beliefs on everyone else.

rather reminds me of some religious whackos i've had the displeasure of knowing.

as an atheist i am more offended by his bullshit behavior and lawsuits than i am by people getting tax breaks because of religion.

he isnt just an atheist, he's a religion basher and hater. its not the same as a person who doesnt believe in god. i dont believe in god but i dont hate religion.

Goes both wars really... atheists try to push the belief in no God and religion tries to push Him on you....


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Goes both wars really... atheists try to push the belief in no God and religion tries to push Him on you....

as an atheist i do not try converting anyone. i find when people do, things get ugly. they say the two things you should never discuss are religion and politics. i tend to agree.

unlike other athiests, it doesnt bother me to see people practicing a religion. i honestly dont care. how and why it bothers some atheists is disturbing to me.

yes it goes both ways for both sides but i notice there is simply more anger in the tone of atheists who at least online have appeared to be very angry in general and seemed almost hostile to some theists. i dont see mormons knocking on people's doors and giving the people answering the door with attitude and aggressive wording. in fact while i dont appreciate religious people knocking on my door, i've never had one act like a dick to me. i can at least give the ones trying to proselytize credit for being polite and respectful.

it does happen but shouldn't be tolerate by anyone. i get tired of being lumped in with other atheists who acted like a dicks and some people really believe atheists are a bunch of angry pricks, to be honest, i'd almost have to agree. i believe in respecting other people's choices, even if i disagree with them, its what i would want others to do to me. belief or lack of is a personal choice, a private choice. the minute we start telling people what they can/cant should/shouldnt believe in is the minute that begins that person's life without believing in the right to privacy as far as i'm concerned.

this guy IMO is trying to do this so i dont think he believes in privacy and people's right to practice religion if they choose. he is IMO trying to violate other people's consitutional rights so i have no problem if someone burned him at the stake.
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