teacher resigned after he gave her a sexually explicit illustrated book

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Handling of teacher, comic issue riles parents
Rachael Scarborough King, Register Staff

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GUILFORD — The parents of a freshman student whose teacher resigned after he gave her a sexually explicit illustrated book said Wednesday their daughter has been the target of harassment from fellow students, and they want the school district to do more to clarify the issue with other parents.

The girl’s father, who asked that his family remain anonymous because it has already been the target of criticism, described the graphic novel that English teacher Nate Fisher gave the student as "borderline pornography."

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"It’s not even like a gray area," the father said. "It’s clearly over the line."

He said Fisher gave the student the book almost three weeks ago to make up for a summer reading assignment. The book is not part of the school’s regular curriculum.

Her parents brought their concerns about the book to the high school and school district’s administration, and Fisher resigned Tuesday, a week after being placed on administrative leave.

Fisher, who had been a teacher at the high school for one year, could not be reached for comment.

Superintendent of Schools Thomas Forcella said the book was "inappropriate" for freshman students. The girl recently turned 14.

Forcella said that the school district’s investigation is closed now that Fisher has resigned. But the girl’s father rejected that explanation, calling the school’s acceptance of Fisher’s resignation a "cop out."

"Now they don’t have to worry about it," he said. "They can close the investigation, they’re done with the matter and now they’re out of a sticky situation."

The student’s parents said they met with Forcella and other school officials on Monday and were told the district would send an e-mail to parents explaining that the girl was not at fault, which they had not received as of Wednesday afternoon. Forcella said the district is planning to e-mail a statement and post it on the school system’s main Web site.

"I’m extremely upset with the administration for not following through with their word of contacting the parents," the father said. "It looks like we got some teacher fired (over) a Harry Potter novel or Catcher in the Rye."

The girl’s mother said her daughter has been "crying every night" and asking not to go to school because students who liked the teacher are blaming her. The mother said that some students set up a group on Facebook, the social networking Web site, calling for Fisher to be reinstated and criticizing the student. The family called the police when, they said, a video was posted on the site with a picture of their daughter and a song with the lyrics "Don’t hesitate to exterminate." The Facebook page has since been removed.

"He’s the cool, favorite teacher of all the kids," the father said.

His wife said she became especially concerned when her daughter told her Fisher asked her "how the book made her feel," although the mother added that she has no idea "what his intention was."

"She was victimized by him to begin with and over and over again for 2½ weeks now," she said. "We just feel like if people understand what he had given her, then they would understand that it’s not our daughter’s fault."

"Eightball #22" features a number of intersecting stories told in comic book form. Charles Brownstein, executive director of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund in New York City, said that Clowes is a well known graphic novelist. Clowes is also the author of the graphic novel "Ghost World," which was adapted into a feature film in 2001.

"The book was basically a profile of a town and its various oddball personalities and it was drawn in a wide variety of illustrative styles to create a psychological portrait of the goings on in this town," Brownstein said. "It certainly is not pornographic."

He added: "Frankly, I find the fact that somebody has left their job over this particular work deeply troubling."

Brownstein said he thinks the nature of graphic novels — which combine images and text — and the relative youth of the genre can lead to confusion.

"Somebody could do a superficial glance of the material and not put the contextual pieces together, thereby perhaps seeing a panel with violence, perhaps seeing a panel with nudity and taking the image out of context as something that it’s not," he said. "The more people are educated about the category, the less those sorts of misunderstandings occur."

Brownstein said his organization can provide assistance and representation for people involved in legal situations about comic books and graphic novels. The Guilford Police Department has said that it is investigating a complaint against Fisher.

Forcella said that, if Fisher applies for jobs in the future, the fact that he left Guilford High School at this point in the school year will be apparent on his application, and the circumstances of his resignation would come up if a school district called for references.

The girl’s parents differed on whether they think he should be able to teach again.

"The last thing I want to do is ruin somebody’s career who made a mistake, but he’s responsible for our daughter," the mother said.

Her husband disagreed.

"I personally don’t ever want him teaching again," he said. "There is nothing that he could say that would account for this. … That poor judgment is something you can’t take back."
New Haven Register - Handling of teacher, comic issue riles parents
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Oh...once again, it pays to read the entire article...thank you Grace...

And if I may weigh in on it: While it was wrong for the teacher to give it to a barely 14 year old girl, he does have the right read it for himself, which he appearantly did. To each their own.


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So you think it is ok that this teacher gave this book to this kid to read? Sorry, I'm not understanding what you are saying.


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Oh...once again, it pays to read the entire article...thank you Grace...

And if I may weigh in on it: While it was wrong for the teacher to give it to a barely 14 year old girl, he does have the right read it for himself, which he appearantly did. To each their own.

No, read what I wrote above. I specifically said^


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Well, while I think that it was wrong for him to give the book to a child to read, I don't think it's as bad as these people are making it seem. If you ask me, I think he could've given her the book to make her think about how people in the real world act, how there are people who would do wrong things like looking at women while they're showering, you know, stuff like that. But that's just my opinion.


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No, it was wrong for him to give her the book period. She's a freshman in high school, not college. If she was 18, in college or whatever, then fine. He was wrong.

Now, for another argument: What about if he just discussed the book and then left it up to the kid to go get it herself, hopefully via her parents...I think this story would never have been publicised<sp> if it happened that way.


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Now, for another argument: What about if he just discussed the book and then left it up to the kid to go get it herself, hopefully via her parents...I think this story would never have been publicised<sp> if it happened that way.
Perhaps. If he had a real penchant for the kids to read such a thing, and it is a form of art (sic), and this is America with the First Amendment (we don't burn books in this country yet), then he should have at a minimum asked permission.

Because while we don't burn books, things of this sort (it's a graphic comic book and not a textbook), to the discerning teacher, or even one that is not but has a reasonable amount of common sense, clearly needs to be run up someone's flagpole.


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No, read what I wrote above. I specifically said^
I don't know where my head was at when I was reading your response, I totally read it wrong. That's what happens when you read about a hundred textbook pages a day. Sorry about that. Though I do have to say that your red letter response did kinda make me go "huh" like I had offended you or something for asking you a question.



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Perhaps. If he had a real penchant for the kids to read such a thing, and it is a form of art (sic), and this is America with the First Amendment (we don't burn books in this country yet), then he should have at a minimum asked permission.

Because while we don't burn books, things of this sort (it's a graphic comic book and not a textbook), to the discerning teacher, or even one that is not but has a reasonable amount of common sense, clearly needs to be run up someone's flagpole.

Our teenage son's reading/english teacher always sends home permission slips for books that have questionable material in it out of respect for the differences when it comes to families and what they deem as appropriate or inappropriate for their kids.


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I don't know where my head was at when I was reading your response, I totally read it wrong. That's what happens when you read about a hundred textbook pages a day. Sorry about that. Though I do have to say that your red letter response did kinda make me go "huh" like I had offended you or something for asking you a question.


Oh, sorry! I just wanted to make sure we were both reading the same thing, lol!!!!


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Oh good, I'm glad I didn't offend you by asking. And no, we were not reading the same thing. I don't know what the heck I was reading when I read your post, as your post was obviously very clear in what you were saying.

Peter Parka

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Erm, have you actually read this book anyone? It seems rather silly to me to voice opinion whether its suitable for a 14 year old without having read it first. I reserve my opinion on it because I haven't read it.:)


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Pete, we're simply going on the premise that a 14 year old doesn't need to be given a graphic novel like this from her freshman (9th grade) english teacher. It's a full grown man giving a very well illustrated "novel" to a 14 year old girl. He's not a relative, and by that I mean her parent, so he had no right to expose her to that genre of writing.

Peter Parka

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Pete, we're simply going on the premise that a 14 year old doesn't need to be given a graphic novel like this from her freshman (9th grade) english teacher. It's a full grown man giving a very well illustrated "novel" to a 14 year old girl. He's not a relative, and by that I mean her parent, so he had no right to expose her to that genre of writing.

How graphic was it really though and in what context was it used? Personally I found Lord of the flies and a lot of Shakespeare extremely graphic but I don't hear of people up in arms trying to get those banned from schools!