Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To It!

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We have a few of these "Independent Libertarians" here.

Enjoy the article:


I hate conservatives who claim to be “Independent” or “Libertarian” but only vote for conservatives or support only conservative ideals. I’ve got news for these people: You’re a conservative. And you wrecked the country. Suck it up and admit it.

Last year, I had friended an acquaintance from college, we’ll call him Dick Concrete (An inside joke that is exactly 95% less dirty then you think it is. Shame on you!). Dick just couldn’t stand all of my liberal nonsense and kept arguing with me but also denied he was a conservative. He always insisted that he was sick of the GOP as well but for some reason never disagreed with anything they said. He defriended me after the Fat Smug Bastard tore him a new one for his rank dishonesty. The FSB demanded to know how it is that he, Dick, could take the time to argue against all these liberal policies but never agree with one or denounce a single conservative position. The FSB pointed out, correctly I believe, that dick was simply a conservative who was unwilling to be named as such. And so are all of these so-called “Independents” and “Libertarians” that hate everything liberal. You’re a conservative.

Yes, you!

You voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004? You supported his tax cuts? You cursed out the Dixie Chicks and Michael Moore when they spoke out against the Iraq war? Do you argue with liberals until you’re angry but only nod your head when someone quotes Rush Limbaugh? Do you think MSNBC is too slanted but don’t understand why people complain about Fox?
Then you are a conservative. You’re not an “Independent” or a “Libertarian” at all, you’re a conservative who is ashamed to admit it. And you should be.

After all, we did it your way for 6 years. Weren’t those heady times for you? Those dumbass liberals knew their place and Democrats just folded like a cheap suit and went along with everything your party wanted. You were on top of the world!

You were gonna show those goddamn Muslims in the middle East who was boss! You were gonna cut taxes and all the good (White) people were gonna be rich because of it! Who cared if some other (Black) people couldn’t collect welfare? Let’em get a job like a real (White) American!

You were a conservative and you were proud to be counted among their number.

But then it all went so wrong. The wars dragged on and American soldiers kept dying or coming home maimed and crippled.

Those tax cuts that were supposed to make you rich didn’t actually do much for you at all and the economy collapsed. The government exploded in size and your civil rights were trampled. We were deeper in debt than ever before and the absolute worst part was that you were in charge! You want to blame Clinton and you try really hard but it sounds forced, even to you. You want to blame the Democrats but there’s just too much video of Bush advocating the policies that we all know screwed the country. You were put into an impossible position. So you lied.

You never supported those wars!

You never asked for those ruinous tax cuts!

You aren’t even a conservative! You’re an “Independent” or maybe a “Libertarian!”

Or maybe you’re a real conservative and belong to the Tea Party! That way you can follow all the same policies as before and just pretend Bush 43 was some kind of freak occurrence.

No one’s buying that malarkey except for the “liberal” media and all the “former”
conservatives that just can’t bring themselves to face what they really did to the country.

But that’s OK. Deep down inside, you know what you did and we know this by the shrillness of your denials and anger.

There’s nothing sadder than self-loathing. You really should see a shrink.

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All Else Failed

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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

oh look it's john ignoring the fact that democrat presidents have been doing the same thing since forever

The Man

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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

John... practically the entire globe went into an economic crises just not the US
Your rant is built upon effects not causes .


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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

The article's short-sighted and buys into the current fad that the primary reason for the USA's existence is prosperity.

It's not. Or at least it doesn't have to be.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

Most libertarians are going to lean more towards true conservatism than liberalism so when push comes to shove they more than likley vote accordingly

Make no mistake though that the republicans are not conservatives. Not even close

Same as the democrats are not liberals.

They both suck


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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

Most libertarians are going to lean more towards true conservatism than liberalism so when push comes to shove they more than likley vote accordingly

Considering the libertarian stand on legalizing drug use and abuse, I really don't see how they would have the ability to stand up straight on their own...... :eek....( :D....:p )


Miss Piggy
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

I consider myself libertarian and none of what that article said is true for me. Now I'm really confused. :willy_nilly:


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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

I consider myself libertarian and none of what that article said is true for me. Now I'm really confused. :willy_nilly:

You might be interested in reading Ron Paul's book, Liberty Defined.
If you have anything of an old fashioned progressive form of liberalism in you like from the JFK probably won't relate to Paul if you read it closely and question the often vagueness of his comments..
Neocon theory and libertarian philosophy have similarities in function with the exception of socialism. Neocons will use it if it's to their advantage. Libertarians won't.
But when it comes to corporate deregulation and laws limiting abusive activity in economics/society, they become quite similar in allowing abuses. Different reasoning,
Most neocons now seem to hide behind the guise of either the libertarian banner or the conservative image of R Reagan.
I haven't seen many of your political posts, but I wouldn't have thought you a libertarian. Progressive liberal, perhaps, in the good sense of the term.

I feel comfortable as a centrist.....I get to hate 'em all :D


Miss Piggy
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

Hmmm. Interesting article but I don't think progressive liberal suits either. Basically I simply want as little government influence in my life as possible. :D


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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

Hmmm. Interesting article but I don't think progressive liberal suits either. Basically I simply want as little government influence in my life as possible. :D

Basically I simply want as little government influence in my life as possible.
Same here........but about the 'other guy' that's the problem ......:D

Minor Axis

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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

What you can take from the OP's link is that simply lowering taxes does nothing for the economy especially if spending is not under control and the GOP are f***ing lairs. If you believed one iota of GOPer retoric with historic low taxes we should all be rolling in jobs. If you believe them, well you're a dumb shit because if you are Middle Class or Working Class, you are just a little worker ant who should be happy for what little you have. Now get back to work, er get back to looking for a min wage job and shut the f*** up before we call you unpatriotic and have the FBI investigate your ass. ;)

Not happy with Dems either, but they are not inherently evil, not trying to place a knife in your back.
(stands back to allow the local conservatives to jump in ;))


In Memoriam - RIP
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

Oh how wonderful it must be to live under a rock and blame others for things that they have no real control over. The government is fixed. Stop acting like Joe Blow who claims to be this or that is affecting the election. Get off your pedestals and open your eyes.


Glorified Maniac
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

I feel that I am not sure if I'm a conservative
and I don't know if I favor Liberalism or Democracy
anyone got any quizzes or questions I can answer to help me figure it out
I used to always say I was none of the above because my views shifted back and forth so much

Kyle B

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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

What you can take from the OP's link is that simply lowering taxes does nothing for the economy especially if spending is not under control and the GOP are f***ing lairs. If you believed one iota of GOPer retoric with historic low taxes we should all be rolling in jobs. If you believe them, well you're a dumb shit because if you are Middle Class or Working Class, you are just a little worker ant who should be happy for what little you have. Now get back to work, er get back to looking for a min wage job and shut the f*** up before we call you unpatriotic and have the FBI investigate your ass. ;)

Not happy with Dems either, but they are not inherently evil, not trying to place a knife in your back.
(stands back to allow the local conservatives to jump in ;))

If taxes were lowered and spending was lowered, it would even out. Same thing at the opposite end of the spectrum. If taxes are raised and spending also rises, it should balance out.

That's how I see it and I aint an economist.

In New York, we have a democratic governor who actually realized you have to cut spending in order to balance the budget. I think it was a surprise and he seems pretty popular. But then again, isn't NY notoriously corrupt?

I read somewhere that while most Americans complain that Congress is corrupt/incompetent etc. they speak accolades about their representative. Aint that interesting?

Minor Axis

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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

If taxes were lowered and spending was lowered, it would even out. Same thing at the opposite end of the spectrum. If taxes are raised and spending also rises, it should balance out.

That's how I see it and I aint an economist.

In New York, we have a democratic governor who actually realized you have to cut spending in order to balance the budget. I think it was a surprise and he seems pretty popular. But then again, isn't NY notoriously corrupt?

I read somewhere that while most Americans complain that Congress is corrupt/incompetent etc. they speak accolades about their representative. Aint that interesting?

If you compare the two groups of politicians, GOP wants no taxes and no spending. So if they can lower taxes and leave spending high, we find ourselves in a crisis and they are thrilled because they can now tell you, "sorry" there is no money to run the social programs they hate to their core. My main beef with them is that they our huge liars, because to them the end justifies the means. So you can lye your ass off and if you get what you want in the end, you won although you sold your integrity to win.

The Dems believe in the responsibility of society and like higher taxes and higher spending. However they appear to be too inept to push their agenda and are not as good at lying. Frankly I'm glad their tendency is to tell it like it is instead of making up shit (a GOP specialty). Yes this is my opinion. And the our Democratic system with a fickle, pie in the sky electorate, can't seem to face reality that lies somewhere in the middle.

I feel more cynical than anytime in this life. I could see us crashing and burning especially with never ending election cycles, the extreme ranker that exists in the political arena, a group of dangerous psychos who claim they don't want government in your life (just in your bed), who want poor people to just go away (and not by helping to raise them up) but by killing them off with policies, and those policies across the spectrum of issues that change as the wind blows. We are only going to be able to work our selves out of this mess with a long term program. With Presidential elections every 4 years and stupid voters, do I have a reason to see hope?
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Re: Stop Pretending You’re Not A Conservative! You Wrecked The Country, Now Own Up To

If you compare the two groups of politicians, GOP wants no taxes and no spending.
:24: Yeh sure! They want to cut spending to the bone! Especially military spending, gov't contracts, and bailouts. :24:
Come one, Minor! Nobody in Washington has cut anything but their hair in decades.

The Dems believe in the responsibility of society and like higher taxes and higher spending.
That is odd as hell to put those words together in a sentence without some kind of caviat. It looks like the very acts of raising taxes and increasing spending are responsible, regardless of the purpose or results. You place far too much credence in their words and don't seem to pay any attention at all to their behavior.

I feel more cynical than anytime in this life. I could see us crashing and burning especially with never ending election cycles, the extreme ranker that exists in the political arena, a group of dangerous psychos who claim they don't want government in your life (just in your bed), who want poor people to just go away (and not by helping to raise them up) but by killing them off with policies, and those policies across the spectrum of issues that change as the wind blows. We are only going to be able to work our selves out of this mess with a long term program. With Presidential elections every 4 years and stupid voters, do I have a reason to see hope?
What you see as crashing and burning, I see as cleansing and renewing. The clusterfuck we have in Washington is anathema to freedom, liberty, self-determination, entrepreneurship ... everything the USA used to stand for. Deep pruning is long overdue, IMO.