So about an hour and a half ago, I was bitten by some wierd spider. Gave me a moderate "high" as best as I can describe it. I lost a connection to reality, my body was numb, and apparently my motor skills and speech was slurred and slowed. Well, I was taken to a hospital clinic, though there is nothing they could do. I did not expect much, I was just double checking that I was fine, maybe irregularities...but none. Never less, I am still feeling a bit off, numb, but I will be alright. Was not a Black Widow, just some...odd spider with yellow patterns on it's abdomen.
Curious, any suggestions to get better? I am drinking water, laying down watching Zombie land, but I was not recommended to any antibiotics. All I would like to know is if anyone knows of any home remedies to ease my condition.
Curious, any suggestions to get better? I am drinking water, laying down watching Zombie land, but I was not recommended to any antibiotics. All I would like to know is if anyone knows of any home remedies to ease my condition.