Two thumbs down, though I haven't seen it.
-Rated R for "Violence, Sex, GOOP", what the hell is "goop", some nasty slime?
-Made the comment that SAW is a movie for pussies. Yeah, that's why your movie is rated R for violence, sex, and "goop", when SAW is rated R for strong grisly violence and language, and SAW II is rated R for grisly violence and gore, terror, language and drug content. At least the SAW franchise didn't need to resort to nudity and "goop" to get fans or money. They got that soley on creativity and talent.
-The creatures/animals taking over scenario is too played out. They did it with King Kong, Arachnaphobia, The Birds(Or something like that), and some other movies. I'm not afraid of slugs, nor will I ever be.
-It just plain out seems to childish, not worth $6.50 to see it, and not a very good movie. And rated R movies shouldn't be funny, that's why it's rated R, not PG-13 or something.
And I'll say this now, I brought up the SAW thing as one reason I don't like the movie, not because I am obsessed. And I dont' dislike the movie JUST because of their insult towards the SAW franchise.