You guys know nuts abt Singapore really. I know a thousand times more abt US than what you guys know abt Singapore. This article from TIME dated 31st July 2010 will give your guys a jumpstart knowledge abt Singapore.
At 267 square miles (New York City is 301 square miles), Singapore is not on most people's minds. But this Asian city-state grew at 18.1% in the first half of 2010, outperforming China, India and Brazil, according to their government statistics. True, those are much bigger economies. But Singapore's performance is impressive nonetheless, both for it's contra-recession gusto and the fact that it's likely to sustain something close to that heady rate in the second half of the year as well. While the Western world feels the aftershocks of the economic crisis, Goldman Sachs estimates Singapore's 2010 GDP will be 16.5%, a substantial upgrade from their previous forecast of 12%.
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