Greatest I am
Active Member
Should man rule over womenfor women’s own good?
Scriptures, and other myth’s, say that God determinedthat men should rule over women. This gives form, --- in a demographic sense,---- to our common and society, and says that our demographic pyramid shouldhave a hierarchical shape and or form. This initiates tension and has Goddemonizing woman, as well as any notion of female equality with man.
His motive must be for thegood of women. Somehow!
After all, sanctity of thefamily is one of the main points of morality.
God was arguably right forhis time. Think in the barbaric way. Below the belt. Thank God that time is almost past. Women in our modern worlddo not need man’s dubious ape likehelp. I hope you agree. Be honest now with yourself be you male or female.
Men have dominated women longenough I think. To give them equality would be justice.
What do you think?
What would real men do?
What would real women demand?
Do men and women have what ittakes to be free?
Justice under law should begender and age neutral, with limits, but with a good spirit of assuringequality. We do not administer that justice. We only give it lip service. Men are not walking their talk. Neither arewomen.
In Gods timocracy, a place ofgovernment in which love of honor is the ruling principle. All honors go to theQueen and her children. A king’s first responsibility is to insure theveneration of his queen. Honor demands it. He accepts this burden and pleasurewisely. The Queen, as the Beta archetype is the life of the kingdom. Thearchetypal king’s duty is to raise woman’s position. That means that all menhave the same duty. That of not denying women equality and elevating her.
Men. Be good kings. You aremaking good just men look bad. Step up.
God wills it.
Women. Be good queens anddemand what is yours.
Scriptures, and other myth’s, say that God determinedthat men should rule over women. This gives form, --- in a demographic sense,---- to our common and society, and says that our demographic pyramid shouldhave a hierarchical shape and or form. This initiates tension and has Goddemonizing woman, as well as any notion of female equality with man.
His motive must be for thegood of women. Somehow!
After all, sanctity of thefamily is one of the main points of morality.
God was arguably right forhis time. Think in the barbaric way. Below the belt. Thank God that time is almost past. Women in our modern worlddo not need man’s dubious ape likehelp. I hope you agree. Be honest now with yourself be you male or female.
Men have dominated women longenough I think. To give them equality would be justice.
What do you think?
What would real men do?
What would real women demand?
Do men and women have what ittakes to be free?
Justice under law should begender and age neutral, with limits, but with a good spirit of assuringequality. We do not administer that justice. We only give it lip service. Men are not walking their talk. Neither arewomen.
In Gods timocracy, a place ofgovernment in which love of honor is the ruling principle. All honors go to theQueen and her children. A king’s first responsibility is to insure theveneration of his queen. Honor demands it. He accepts this burden and pleasurewisely. The Queen, as the Beta archetype is the life of the kingdom. Thearchetypal king’s duty is to raise woman’s position. That means that all menhave the same duty. That of not denying women equality and elevating her.
Men. Be good kings. You aremaking good just men look bad. Step up.
God wills it.
Women. Be good queens anddemand what is yours.