Sen. John McCain visited Liberty Township for a Thursday fundraiser, but a fellow Republican will not be in attendance.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones took out a half-page newspaper ad blasting the presidential candidate’s stance on illegal immigration, and similar ads are planned for other Ohio and New York newspapers.
“Before I'm a Republican, I'm an American, and this is an American issue, and I can say what I think,” Jones said.
In the ad, the sheriff asks McCain why voters hadn’t heard his policy on illegal immigration, an issue about which Jones is particularly outspoken.
“Are you avoiding this American issue?” the ad asks. “We are all ears.”
Jones, who wants the border sealed and illegal immigrants deported, said he feels McCain has sold out the Republican Party and the U.S. by remaining silent.
“Believe me, he won't discuss this issue at all in the next 90 days,” Jones said. “He doesn't want to talk about it at all, (and) I'm going to talk about it everywhere in Ohio.”
A campaign representative said Thursday that McCain would secure the border as president, but the Arizona Republican believes there should be a comprehensive solution for illegal immigration.
Jones said he did not know whether McCain would discuss the ad during his Tri-state fundraiser, but he added that he would not be there to find out.
“I'm not paying $5,000 to have my picture with McCain,” Jones said. “I'm going to stay home and watch paint dry.”
However, Jones said he hadn’t ruled out voting for McCain.