Sex and the City ***Spoilers***

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La entrepierna de fuego
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The long awaited movie has blown up the box office, raking in an impressive $110 million PLUS worldwide thus far. After years of waiting, fans are finally getting what they've been wanting...and I, for one, couldn't be happier w/ the results!!!

I gotta admit, it was a lot of fun counting down to the movie w/ you ladies on the forum. And I don't want the fun to stop. Sooooooooooooo...let's discuss the movie!!!

So,come on ladies, what were some of your favorite parts from the movie??? What parts made you laugh the most??? What parts made you cry (if any)??? Was it all you expected or were you disappointed??? Rumor has it that a Part II is set to be filmed...will you see it if it is???
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La entrepierna de fuego
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I absolutely loved the movie and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was even better than I expected it to be. :) I laughed the most when Charlotte pooped her pants...OMG, I thought I was gonna pass out I was laughing so hard. LOL!!! I also laughed my ass off when Carrie told Charlotte that she was good for the rest of the year since she already shit her pants. LOL!!! And it was funny, too, when Samantha told her neighbor that her dog had run up on his dick.

I cried a lot, too. The confrontation after Big ditched Carrie at the alter...especially when Charlotte was yelling at him. And several scenes w/ Steve and Miranda, too. Now I can't even remember all the times I cried...I know there were several, though.

And yes...I will definitely be going back for Part II (already confirmed that they are in negotiations, at least) and Part III if it happens. :)


La entrepierna de fuego
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Oh...and I thought I would share this b/c I had to laugh at it. I found this website that was intent on spoiling the one of the "hate-watchers" went and saw the movie so they could tell the rest of them how horrible it was. Here's the made me LOL. :) Not sure they watched the right movie, though...I only remember Samantha walking around naked in stilettos. *shrugs*

I've been asking for someone to break the Sex And The City Movie Vast Conspiracy Of Silence Squealing for what seems like the past five years, and finally an angel has come through. I just got done instant-messaging with a fellow SATC hate-watcher who saw the movie last night and answered every question I had, on condition of anonymity. If you don't want to know every single plot point that matters, and the ending, don't follow the jump!
lindsay: first, I think we know this, but does anyone die?
angel hatewatcher: No, I WISH. It was SO BORING.
lindsay: What's the reasoning for Big ditching Carrie at the altar?
angel hatewatcher: Oh god this is the most retarded part, actually. Miranda leaves Steve after he cheated on her once, and moves into a loft in Chinatown. Steve shows up at Carrie and Big's rehearsal dinner to hash things out with Miranda, and they get into a huge fight outside, and then as Miranda walks back into the restaurant, Big asks if she's okay
lindsay: And then they make out?!
angel hatewatcher: No, she says something along the lines of "You two are so stupid to get married; marriage ruins everything."
angel hatewatcher: he like makes this really pensive look that is like "i KNEW it"
angel hatewatcher:and then he ditches her.
angel hatewatcher: and miranda feels guilty, but does not tell carrie, until valentines day, when they are having this sad-sack singles dinner at a romantic restaurant. then THEY get in a fight, and carrie tells her to go back to steve, blah blah blah
lindsay: So that's why the movie is about "forgiveness"?
angel hatewatcher: i guess it's about forgiveness
angel hatewatcher: mainly it seemed like it was about prancing around naked in stilettos
lindsay: So who sleeps with who?
angel hatewatcher: Steve sleeps with some random woman you never see, but none of the ladies cheat.
lindsay: What happens at the end?
angel hatewatcher: Steve and Miranda get back together, Charlotte has a baby girl, Samantha dumps the actor and moves back to NYC, and Carrie and Big get married for real, but a civil ceremony at the courthouse. And he surprises her by having all the girls there. The end.
lindsay: Are there ANY funny parts?
angel hatewatcher: well
angel hatewatcher:the scene where carrie beats big up with her bouquet outside of the ny public library was hilarious, but unintentionally
angel hatewatcher: i mean, seriously, the whole screening room was cracking up
angel hatewatcher:it was SO PAINFUL TO WATCH
angel hatewatcher: i know there were other parts that were sort of funny, but most of the "jokes" were totally obvious and stupid, you know?
angel hatewatcher:like there is one part where charlotte poops her pants
angel hatewatcher:which in theory should be funny, but for some reason it was NOT funny, because they were trying so hard for it to be.
lindsay: Why?
angel hatewatcher: Why does she poop her pants?
lindsay: yeah
angel hatewatcher: Because they're in Mexico.
lindsay: Haha Thanks so much for doing this! I'm sorry you had to sit through 2.5 hours of that.
angel hatewatcher: No problem! Oh one more thing: Carrie buys Jennifer Hudson a really expensive purse! And the whole movie is a commercial for Vogue and designers!
lindsay: Haha. Breaking news!

So there you have it. I was wrong: Steve isn't gay, and Steve and Big are not gay together. But I was right about one thing: nothing really happens. Except Forgiveness.


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My one favorite part was towards the end when Charlotte ran into big at that restaurant and she was running away from him and finally she said, "I curse the day you were born!" omg that made me laugh....and the shitting in her pants, it really started when she got the water in her mouth. AND when she was eating the pudding and the girls asked her if she was going to eat anything else and she was like, 'this is Mexico!'.


La entrepierna de fuego
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My one favorite part was towards the end when Charlotte ran into big at that restaurant and she was running away from him and finally she said, "I curse the day you were born!" omg that made me laugh

That part made me laugh, too...because, in true Charlotte form, after she said it she had this look on her face like "Oh my God, I can't believe I said something so mean. That was awful of me!!!" LOL


La entrepierna de fuego
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Okay, I'm disappointed in the turnout of womenz in this thread. Rep to Alicia for showing up...and now I'm gonna harass the other womenz to get their asses over here!!!


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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Welp, I didn't see this thread til right now or CLEARLY I woulda been in here much earlier!!!!

I actually laughed really hard when Carrie showed up to her wedding with a frikkin bird on her head. Then later in the movie, she made reference to it and I laughed some more.

Obviously the pants shitting incident was hysterical as well.

I cried soooooo hard when Carrie was beating big up with the flowers and the look Charlotte gave him---- ohhhhh made me cry more cuz she's usually the sweetie pie.

I cried when Steve came to get Brady for NYE and Miranda shut the door and you could tell she was miserable.

Cried again when Miranda and Steve were scheduled to meet on the bridge and she had the foam on her lip. And then again when they actually met on the bridge.

I'm such a sap!


La entrepierna de fuego
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Yay, Jersey's here!!!

Yeah, I laughed at the whole bird/feather discussion. I thought it was a feather, too. *shrugs*


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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Oh, and I cried when Carrie gave Louise the LV bag cuz she got so damn excited!!!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH and how funny was Samantha's comment about Miranda's situation DOWN THERE???

Minor Axis

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I actually laughed really hard when Carrie showed up to her wedding with a frikkin bird on her head. Then later in the movie, she made reference to it and I laughed some more.

Is it me or is Carrie's fashion sense out in left field? For a while I wondered if this was Ms Parker's preferences, but my wife informed me that there is a fashion person on the show who makes the choices. And, btw, my wife thinks her fashion sense is dismal too. :)


La entrepierna de fuego
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Oh, and I cried when Carrie gave Louise the LV bag cuz she got so damn excited!!!

I don't think I did...but I do know that I thought that was the most God awful UGLY purse!!! LOL

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH and how funny was Samantha's comment about Miranda's situation DOWN THERE???

Too funny!!! "Since when, 1998!?" LOL!!!

Is it me or is Carrie's fashion sense out in left field? For a while I wondered if this was Ms Parker's preferences, but my wife informed me that there is a fashion person on the show who makes the choices. And, btw, my wife thinks her fashion sense is dismal too. :)

Uhh yeah...way out there. Sometimes the stuff she wears isn't that bad...but sometimes you just think "WTF was she thinking!?!?!?" It was kind of a sweet moment, though, when they were going through her closet and got to the outfit from the opening sequence of the show. It was one of those things that only people who watched the show would pick up on, but it was a sweet reminder. ;)

You should see the woman that does the fashion for SATC, totally looney looking!!!

Really??? I don't know that I've seen her. Now I've gotta go google it!!!