I think it's a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist. And it's something you have to earn. Because a Scientologist does. He, or she, has the ability to create new and better realities in improved conditions. uhh, being a Scientologist you look at someone and you know absolutely that you can help them.
So for me it really is K.S.W. And it's just like, it's, it's something that uhh, I don't [mince?] words with that. With anything! [nevruabr?], there's a time I went through and said "You know what?"..... When I read it, I, you know I just went "pffffff.. This is it.. This is exactly it".
Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it's not like anyone else. As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one that can really help. But that's.. That's what drives me, is that I know that we have an oppotunity.... And uhh. To really, help. For the first time. Effectively change people's lives. And uhh. I am dedicated, and I'm gonna, absolutely, uncompremisingly, ... dedicated to that.
Orgs are there to help, but bwwwww we as, you know as also the public, it like, we have a responsibility. It's not just the orgs, it's not just [dating?] a scavage. You know it's not just, not just me. It's you. It's everyone out there, kinda re-reading K.S.W and looking at what needs to be done, and say "OK. Am I gonna do it or am I not gonna do it? Period. ANd am I gonna look at that guy, or am I too affriad 'cause I have my own [out?] ethics to put in some else's ethics.". And that's all it comes down to.
'Casue I wont hesitate to put ethics in on someone else, you know? 'Cause I put it rougthlessly in on myself... And I think that uhh..... I respect that, in others. And uhh, you know I'm there to help. And we're here to help. And uhh, my opinion is, is that look, either you're onboard, or you're not onboard. OK. But just, if you're onboard, you're onboard just like the rest of us, period.
We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. Criminon, we can rehabilitate criminals. Way to have this is, we can have peace, ahh uhh, and unite cultures. Uhh, that once you know these tools, and you know they work, it's, it's not good enough that, that I'm just doing ok.
Travelling the world and meeting the people that i've, that i've met. You know, talking with these leaders in various fields.......... They want help. And they are depending on people, who know.... And who can be effective, and do it. And that's us. That is our responsibility to do that.
It is the time now. Now is the time. OK. It is being a Scientologist, people are turning to you, so you better know it! You better know it. And if you don't... you know, go and learn it. [laugh] You know?... But don't pretend you know it, and, or, for, or whatever. It's like, we're here to help.
I mean if you're a Scientologist, you see life throu.. You see things the way they are... In all it's glory. You know? In all of it's perplexity. Uhhh, and the more you know as a Scientologist, you don't become overwhelmed by it.
[laugh] And uhh. They said, "Have you met an [S.P?]?" [big corny laugh] And I looked at them...