Don't y'all know it ain't a SAW thread without me?! Haha. Sorry for the late entry(Considering I normally start the SAW threads each year), but I've been extremely busy. Work sucks, and I've been studying for my G.E.D.(Which I just finished taking tonight. I get the results back some time in December). Now, on with business.
Is this the new Halloween/Friday The 13th or what?
I actually enjoyed the Halloween and Friday The 13th remakes, although I heard Halloween II sucked ass.
Unfortunately I heard they're greenlit through Saw VIII...
They actually haven't greenlit that far ahead, so fear not. Lionsgate only greenlights SAW movies on the basis that the previous movie does well enough opening night/weekend. The rumor is that SAW VI COULD, but might not be the last SAW movie. The writers and producers have stated that they're willing to go as far as SAW 9, but Lionsgate won't let that happen unless the money keeps coming in.
Wheres Dodge Sniper to tell us how relevant and necessary these Saw movies are?
As I said, been busy lately, haha. Trying to get back on here more. As far as relevance goes, this movie is supposed to bring everything full circle, hence the tagline "The game comes full circle", so it'll be pretty relevant to the previous films. As far as necessity goes? I'm with you on that one. Not a necessary movie, considering the note SAW V ended on, but as we all know, I'm a SAW fanatic, so I support it as long as it's looking like it'll be a good movie, and hopefully it'll turn out good.
That being said, Kevin Greutert(This year's director) has been the editor on all of the previous films, as well as a few other amazing movies(Such as Supercross). I trust he'll do a good job, and so far, SAW VI looks like it'll make up for what ground SAW V lost. In my eyes, SAW V wasn't nearly as good as the others, and SAW VI looks like it's gonna be much better.
Now, on a side note, I don't mean to jump to any conclusions or anything, but I think one of my traps might be in the movie this year! See, there's a SAW forum I'm on, and I thought up and posted my own trap back in like...2005 I believe. It involved a girl with an oxygen mask strapped to her face, and the mask led to a tank full of nerve gas(Similar to the house in SAW II). In the end of one of the SAW VI trailers, you can just barely catch a glimpse of a man wearing the same device. It could turn out to be a different trap, but I think it'd be amazing if they have my trap idea in SAW VI