one of my closest friends called me friday morning hysterical asking me if i'd seen or heard the news yet...i was still asleep so i hadnt... so she tells me ray (her boyfriend of close to 7 years) was killed in a car accident earlier that morning... my heart dropped-- what do you say to your friend who just lost the man she was going to marry??? today was the first day the paper had the obituary in it- and her name was in it.. she said that's when it hit her.... now- i dont know... im just so sad for her... i've lost friends and loved ones and i can imagine it's a bit different- she lost a part of her future...
anytime someone close to me dies, i go through a few days remembering everyone else i've lost-- anyone know what im talking about?
needless to say.. it was a long weekend...
so that's why i havent been on all weekend-- if anyone noticed :dunno
anytime someone close to me dies, i go through a few days remembering everyone else i've lost-- anyone know what im talking about?
needless to say.. it was a long weekend...
so that's why i havent been on all weekend-- if anyone noticed :dunno