Re: Ron Paul Endorses Sexual Harassment In The Workplace, Blames Women...............
The bottom line, at least for those few of us left who respect the rule of law, is...
It's so funny to hear you say this... because you do not respect the rule of law, well not all of it.
...that it is not a federal issue according to our Constitution....
The constitution is not the only law of the "land", you completely ignore the decisions of the Supreme Court throughout the years. The precedent set by the court over the years is just as much the rule of law as the constitution is. You cannot embrace one and not the other and claim to be one of the few that respects the rule of law. I'm sorry, but you can't just look at one piece of the law and dismiss the rest because you may not agree with the prior rulings.
Like it or not, the rule of law for our country is the constitution AND how our Supreme court has interpreted it over the years.
If you want this country to change, to go back to a strict constitutional rule of law, there are ONLY a few ways this can happen;
1. Have the supreme court over-rule all previous cases that did not adhere to the constitution. (never going to happen)
2. Make amendments to the constitution over-turning all of said precedent. (you might get some passed, but very unlikely)
3. Scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.
Until any of these things happen, quit whining about it not being constitutional....
If the court has ever ruled that according to their interpretation something IS constitutional, then IT IS! It IS now the law of the land, as much as the constitution is.
If we as citizens disagree, then we can fight it and try to change it through amendments or by changing the make-up of the court and hope they overturn it. That's it, that's all we can do......