I think a lot of fear mongering is being done regarding Sharia law by Christians who fear a Muslim take over in America. This is silly imo. Christianity is by far the majority. If either group is oppressing the other in America then it is the Christians who are guilty.
Having said that, I do have some concerns about Sharia law and, to be fair, with traditions of other religions too. It is a matter of principle. When a moral question comes up, the first thing we ask shouldn't be what did people think about this issue 1000 years ago. We have made a lot of moral progress in the area of human rights over the last 1000 years. We are the experts, not them. This is not to say that tradition has no place. But I think religions put too much emphasis on it when it comes to ethics.
I take your point on religion putting too much emphasis on ethics, infact religion is trying to
on morals and ethics, especially those related to sex and chaste living. There is hardly much difference between
the teachings of Christianity and Judaism or for that sake any Abrahamic religion.
Before 9/11 hardly any American knew who and what Muslims were, they never bothered about such things
and all went fair and lovely. Only after 9/11 that the Americans became conscious about this religious 'pedigree' and then there was media who fanned the issue which obviously is not related to all Muslim but only a bunch of rogues who claim to be Muslims. The blame for allowing that 'bunch' solely rests on the American Intelligence and Administration who failed to take cognizance of their ambitions and whims in advance.
Fear-mongering by the media and the on-going aimless war has tended to further fear among the Americans and others. I do not say that fear is altogether unfounded but if Muslim bashing is let to be continued on smaller issues such as veiling etc the sight of bigger cause will be lost. Muslims in America cannot be deemed to take over America with their Sharia , at least for another century or more, because they (the Muslims) are themselves divided into many many sects which are perpetually at loggerheads with one another. However, as citizens of America, the Muslims will continue to benefit from the liberties given them by American Constitution
and that may sound a bit weird to some narrow-minded people who still retain the horrors of 9/11 and the useless war in Iraq, suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the present failed war on so-called terrorism in Afghanistan. All this has only resulted in spreading fear and distress not only in America but the world over, even in those countries where Muslims are the majority. The continued war has also reflected upon the socio-economic crisis all over the world and the life of a common person anywhere has been shunt into hell!
Democracy may be the best kind of government but I personally think it doesn't suit Muslims who are historically accustomed to ''behave'' under dictators. They have no specific system of government except Sultanate or dictatorship. I think the main reason for this is lack of education ,poverty and corruption found among their leaders....who care least for their national pride. however, as far as America or other civilized countries are concerned, the Muslims would not try to skip out the legal framework of a foreign country until forced to do what their religion prohibits nor try to behave as they are doing in their own country!! Ironical indeed!!
I recall the colonial British lords of India who quite successfully tackled multifarious ethnic races and religions in India during their rule mainly because they dealt with every one of them according to their religion and customs and would normally won't interfere in their religious beliefs unless those were inhuman or injurious to public at large. This may be the reason that a handful of Britishers (about 30,000) governed India, a population of multi-millions for about 150 years until they have to quit in 1947!!
I think it is high time we all had another look at history!!