Republicans Disappoint Me

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Peter Parka

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Someone on my friends list on myspace wrote this. I won't pretend that I understand every word of it but I thought it made some great points. Thought?

I was listening to Sean Hannity as well as a little Rush and I keep hearing these Republicans talking about going and voting for Hillary Clinton in the open primaries to keep Obama from winning the nomination.

I mean its smart in the Karl Rove sense, but are you so unsure about John McCain chances of winning? Does it have to do with you throwing him under the bus every chance you had in favor of Mitt Romney? Even morning conservative radio host Mark Davis feels a bit of sliminess in this plan of attack. And he is convinced that McCain can beat Obama or Clinton (and you know he might just be right).

Face it, all you received (almost for sure) what you wanted: you stopped Hillary Clinton. I doubt she will be president, but like in any good story everybody gets what they want but not in the way they want. And you and your leadership deserves it.

Iraq is Iraq. I think it is finally down because the surge is working. Great. Where are the WMD's again? Oh yea, they were carried off in the night on a convoy of trucks to the Syrian border... Something that can't be proved but you accept as gospel. It is like if I said "George W. Bush relapsed into a cocaine fulled bender and decided to declare war on IraN but slipped up and said IraQ by mistake. Even if it feels true there is no way to prove it.

And remember Terri Schavio, the woman who was brain dead and you and your leadership felt like getting involved in a horrible tragedy that ripped a family apart. You talk about how you want less government in people's lives but all of your asshole leaders went down to Florida for photo ops and touting your own moral superiority.

And no child left behind. Yea right. No child left behind unless they are in a public school.

Not to mention you want to use the constitution to DENY people civil rights. I'm sorry, a gay couple wanting to get married is not going to destroy marriage. Most of the people saying that have been divorced a few times. You would rather let the Brittney Spears of the world make a mockery of the institution instead of letting two loving and committed partners get married, adopt a kid in a children's home, buy an expensive house, go to Rooms To Go to furnish it and pump some money into the economy. Lawyers and ex-husbands are the only people gaining from Brittney's mockery of marriage. If you want to save the institution, then outlaw divorce. But no, some of you are going to marry younger women later on so you need to have that out. And you know, people who are afraid/angry at homosexuals are sometimes the same ones passing their hands under a bathroom stall divider. You are looking for love in a world where you have denied yourself love. Go jerk off and maybe you will feel better. Wait, you aren't allowed to do that either, huh?

Straight up, this is what the Republicans don't understand: we don't want to force anything on you. We want a country where a green alien from Mars can pass a citizenship test, get a job, go to college, get married and buy a house without waking up to a burning cross on their front lawn. Republicans however want EVERYONE to think and act like them. And when someone is different, even in the privacy of their own homes you still want to knock on the door, walk inside and tell them they are going to Hell. That is why people are afraid of you.

If being really, really, really white is so important to you then move to Utah. But if you want to be an equal partner with the other people in a diverse community then buy a house and throw a block party.

And now most of you are going to have to take a pile of shit, call it ice cream, eat it and vote for John McCain. After the last eight years of the man's face planted firmly in Bush's but crack "waiting his turn," I am willing to take a chance on a black man who talks about hope. I want some hope. All John McCain talks about is more of the same. All Hillary Clinton talks about is the same stuff she was talking about for the last 30 years. And if anyone says anything about Obama's inexperience, well, you and your brood put W. in the White House TWICE. So you have no wiggle room. At least our inexperienced candidate was the president of the Harvard Law Review, a constitutional scholar. All W. did was wait until his mid 40's to sober up long enough to take a pledge of office and become the subject of an excellent Will Ferrell impression.

And one more thing, when I talk to some of you about Obama, I can hear the truth in your voice. He's not Hillary Clinton is he? The venom isn't there. The passion to stop him isn't there. You have been hanging out the last eight years (seven actually) and you know in your heart of hearts and in your wallets what is happening. You look at Obama, you see that smile and you can imagine yourself trying to ignore him somewhere, then he walks up to you, flashing that warm smile as he puts one hand on your shoulder and extends the other to shake your right hand. Then your knees become a little bit like rubber as you realize that he is actually listening, not hearing, but listening to what you have to say. Then you think to yourself, "I don't know if I am buying what he's selling, but damn it, I can't help but like the guy."
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I had actually heard the opposite. Republicans were going to vote for Obama to ensure Hitlery didn't get it.

You ask me they're both evil.