What I'd like to know is this. Where is the outrage? If Bush was doing this, the left would be all up in arms about a widespread abuse of power, etc., etc., etc. Why don't they care now? Oh wait, that's right... it was wrong when Bush did it, but since this is something they agree with, it's perfectly acceptable.
Dear Mr. President, We strongly support your commitment to comprehensive health reform. This is not a luxury. The continuing, sharp escalation of health care costs for families, businesses, and government is unsustainable. Reform is imperative. We believe that health reform must be enacted this year. Reform is needed to help America’s families struggling with rising costs and those who are losing their insurance. At the same time, real health reform is crucial to keeping American businesses competitive in the world economy and for the country’s long-term economic viability. As our country faces economic challenges, the time for reform is now.
We support health reform that follows these principles:
Protect families’ financial health
Assure affordable, quality health coverage for all Americans
Provide portability of coverage
Guarantee choice of doctors
Invest in prevention and wellness
Improve patient safety and quality of care
End barriers to coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions
Reduce long-term growth of health costs for businesses and government
During these extraordinarily challenging times, we need to put aside past differences and address the health and economic crisis. Our shared interest must come before narrow interests so we can achieve a health system that is affordable and provides high quality for all Americans. We will support your budget with its reserve fund dedicated to achieving health care reform in a fiscally responsible manner. Each of us must be prepared to contribute to achieving this fundamental goal. By signing this statement we affirm our commitment to work with you and our Congressional leaders to enact legislation this year which provides affordable, high quality coverage for all Americans.
That letter doesn't point to any particular bill. That means you just signed up to blindly support whatever bill dear leader and his democronies come up with regardless of the content....