AUFred WAR EAGLE!!! Moderator Valued Contributor Messages 27,584 Reaction score 404 Tokenz 3,906.58z Mar 15, 2013 #1
Jackass master Old and worn out Messages 2,242 Reaction score 64 Tokenz 0.04z Mar 15, 2013 #2 That was funny!
AUFred WAR EAGLE!!! Moderator Valued Contributor Messages 27,584 Reaction score 404 Tokenz 3,906.58z Mar 15, 2013 #3 You knew it was going to be good when it started with a Pork "lion". :24:
Jackass master Old and worn out Messages 2,242 Reaction score 64 Tokenz 0.04z Mar 15, 2013 #4 They would never accuse any of them of having good diction or enunciation. This must be a new show as I never saw that host before. Was Richard Dawson for years.
They would never accuse any of them of having good diction or enunciation. This must be a new show as I never saw that host before. Was Richard Dawson for years.
AUFred WAR EAGLE!!! Moderator Valued Contributor Messages 27,584 Reaction score 404 Tokenz 3,906.58z Mar 15, 2013 #5 He has been the host for a few years now. Steve Harvey is his name.
Accountable Well-Known Member Messages 6,962 Reaction score 1 Tokenz 0.00z Mar 15, 2013 #6 Steve Harvey's show was never much, but he is hilarious when thinking on his feet. :24: