Senior Member
The stripper thread got me thinking. when do we as a society say enough is enough. 2 situations here: one is a single mother working 2 jobs to raise her children, working normal decent jobs (this isnt about stripping) she works hard to support her children. now you have a single mother who loves her children just the same, she sells drugs, engages in illegal activities to support her children just the same. do you hold the same regard as single mom#1 as you would for single mom #2? i mean at the end of the day they are both trying to support their families. just in two different ways. my question is do we as society shun mom #2 for being lazy and not getting up and taking the initiative and getting herself a decent job to support her children like mom #1, or do we say.. poor woman, she has to do what she has to do to support her she is a martyr?