Pentagon bans YouTube, MySpace access

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WASHINGTON - Lt. Daniel Zimmerman, an infantry platoon leader in
Iraq, puts a blog on the Internet every now and then "to basically keep my friends and family up to date" back home.

It just got tougher to do that for Zimmerman and a lot of other U.S. soldiers. No more using the military's computer system to socialize and trade videos on MySpace, YouTube and nine other Web sites, the
Pentagon says.

Citing security concerns and technological limits, the Pentagon has cut off access to those sites for personnel using the Defense Department's computer network. The change limits use of the popular outlets for service members on the front lines, who regularly post videos and journals.

"I put my blog on there and my family reads it," said Zimmerman, 29, a platoon leader with B Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment.

"It scares the crap out of them sometimes," he said.

"I keep it as vague as possible," he said. "I'm pretty responsible about it. It's just basically to tell a little bit about my life over here" he said.

He's regularly at a base where he doesn't have Defense Department access to the Internet, but he has used it when he goes to bigger bases. He'll have to rely on a private account all the time now.

Memos about the change went out in February, and it took effect last week. It does not affect the Internet cafes that soldiers in Iraq use that are not connected to the Defense Department's network. The cafe sites are run by a private vendor, FUBI (For US By Iraqis).

Also, the ban also does not affect other sites, such as Yahoo, and does not prevent soldiers from sending messages and photos to their families by e-mail.

Internet use has become a troublesome issue for the military as it struggles to balance security concerns with privacy rights. As blogs and video-sharing become more common, the military has voiced increasing concern about service members revealing details about military operations or other information about equipment or procedures that will aid the enemy.

At the same time, service members have used the Web sites to chronicle their time in battle, posting videos and writing journals that provide a powerful, personal glimpse into their days at war.

"These actions were taken to enhance and increase network security and protect the use of the bandwidth," said Col. Gary Keck, a Pentagon spokesman.

The Pentagon said that use of the video sites in particular was putting a strain on the network, and also opening it to potential viruses or penetration by so-called "phishing" attacks in which scam artists try to steal sensitive data by mimicking legitimate Web sites.

"The U.S. Army's not going to pay the bill for you to get on MySpace and YouTube," said Maj. Bruce Mumford, of Chester, Neb., who is serving as the brigade communications officer for the 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, in Iraq. "Soldiers need to know what they can and cannot do, but we shouldn't be facilitating it."

Warnings of the shutdown went out in February, and allowed troops to seek waivers if the sites were necessary for their jobs. Often insurgent groups post videos, including ones of attacks or — in some high profile cases — of U.S. or coalition soldiers who have been captured or killed.

"I guess it's a good general policy," Zimmerman said about the ban on MySpace and YouTube." If people could be trusted not to break operational security, then they wouldn't need to have the policy."

If the restrictions are intended to prevent soldiers from giving or receiving bad news, they could also prevent them from providing positive reports from the field, said Noah Shachtman, who runs a national security blog for Wired Magazine.

"This is as much an information war as it is bombs and bullets," he said. "And they are muzzling their best voices."

The sites covered by the ban are the video-sharing sites YouTube, Metacafe, IFilm, StupidVideos and FileCabi; social networking sites MySpace, BlackPlanet and Hi5; music sites Pandora, MTV, and live365, and the photo-sharing site Photobucket.


Associated Press writers Robert Weller in Denver and Maya Alleruzzo in Baghdad contributed to this story.


On the Net:

Defense Department: U.S. Department of Defense Official Website
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Peter Parka

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I can understand it possibily being a bit of a security threat but surely there's some way then could be inspected before the're allowed to post them. I don't think its too much to ask that a guy who is fighting and possibily dying for his country be allowed to do this.:(


New Member
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I work for the DOD and haven't been able to acces those sites since sometime last year. Used to be able to go through a proxy and still get access but not anymore.


V.I.P User
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I don't think it's so much censorship. It is very possible to have a major security problem because one person said just a little too mcuh.


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It dumbfounds me that some of these soldiers do not realize they could very possibly be putting their own lives and the lives of their fellow comrades in harms way by posting a lot of the things they post. No matter how careful or how vague they are about what they post, they need to remember that they are in a foreign land that is NOT foreign to their enemy. Their enemies are going to be able to detect things in the landscape that may not seem like a marker to an American.

It is better to be safe than to know you were the one that possibly put your whole platoon at risk. I know I would not want my husband's life under any ADDED risk because of a video posted by a fellow soldier of his. I would definitely take issue with that.

As long as what is posted gives no hint what so ever about where abouts or operations, I do not have a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
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No, thank goodness.

I was, however, a military brat and a military wife for a number of years and remember quite vividly the fear of having a love one in harms way.