Parental Notification/Permission for Abortion

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My question is this: what do parents have the right to do to their children and at what point are the rights of the child violated.

Obviously children are not property. You cannot kill your child without going to jail. Similarly, you cannot refuse medical procedures that would save your child's life. There are many things your child is legally allowed to do (and that others are legally allowed to do to your child) without your consent.

They can get their hair cut/died. They can get piercings. They can buy/wear clothing. They can receive emergency treatment. etc.

This is because children are individuals with right guaranteed under the US consitution. As a parent, do you have the right to:

Prevent your child from taking medication?
Force you child to take medication?
Prevent your child from having plastic surgery?
Force you child to have plastic surgery?
Prevent your child from receiving emergency care?
Force you child to receive emergency care?

How about forcing a child to have an abortion? How about forcing them to bear a child?

Tough questions.

My view is that as children grow older, they should become more and more in control of their bodies. I think carrying a baby is about as personal a decision as can be. If they're old enough to get pregnant, they're old enough to decide whether to keep it. The alternative is to allow the parents to force them to do either one, and I think either way could be torture.

Another argument that's often made in this discussion is that the kids are going to get the abortion done illegally anyway, so don't you want them to get it done by a trained physician? I dismiss this line of reasoning everywhere I see it. Just because people are going to break the law and hurt themselves doesn't reflect what the law should be. If kids are going to have abortions illegally without parental consent, that's on them.

What are your views? Parental notification/permission or is it left up to who is having the baby?
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First post, grand. Anyways, I think basically the same. It should be up to the person. If they're old enough to know the consequences of not using a condom or birth control and getting pregnant, they are old enough to decide whether to keep it or not. And if I had a daughter get pregnant, I'd rather have it[The abortion] done by a trained physician rather than some nutjob in some back-alley.


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Wow this could become a touchy subject, First off, its not a yes or no black and white Question, there are things such as age and circumstances to consider. The answers are going to vary based on all kinds of diffrent scenerios.

Is she I6 or I3? Is she mature enough to truly understand? what are the ramifications of the decision? Was she really out making stupid choices, Or did she find herself in a uncontrolled situation,

Ad why we are at it, are you going to be the one to force the male part of the situation to step up and be just as responsible as your making her be, or can he just go on with his life like nothing happened why hers is ruined?


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my solution is, if they both understand the consequences, and are willing to go through, get some. if not, dont be fucking.

simple, yet effective.

but, sometimes, its too simple. unfortunately.. so

it would be nice as a parent to know. but, it shouldnt be the parent's choice, to a point - if they live at the parent's house, then, the parent should have a 33.33% say in the decision, but still, the ones with the child have the overal say in the decision...

like silent said, depends on circumstances. but my rule would be at least 16+. nothing lower. cuz, ill fucking beat the shit outta the child if they get some while living under my roof if under 16. .. well, not really beat them, but you get the point - id be really fricken pissed off. really pissed off.

Peter Parka

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It's a tough one for me as I am very anti abortion as I believe it's no different to murder and killing people because YOU made a mistake is no justification. If I had a daughter who got pregnant but wanted an abortion I'd do my very best to get her to keep the baby and offer all the help I could in bringing it up and providing for it. I would not want her to go through the pain and feelings of guilt and regret that women go through after they have had an abortion. At the end of the day though, I would not stand in the way if she decided to go through with it though I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it.