OWS Is Over?

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In Memoriam - RIP
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I think it’s safe to say the Occupy Wall Street experiment as a political force is over. Sorry, Carter, it was born a political zombie, and it only became more rancid over time.

The left wing in America can’t resist rambling stoners, malcontents, and Grateful Dead camp followers. For a while, they tried to superimpose some sort of political meaning to the group -- income inequality, workers’ rights, and the like. But nothing ever took root, because OWS was never serious in the first place. It diminishes any societal or political point you want to make when you oppose organized sanitation.

As everyone knows, zombies never really die, so it is possible the OWS movement will infest public space again. But they won’t be forming the core of Obama reelection rallies — or at least he hopes not. Only the most marginal Democratic officials would appear in close proximity to an OWS assembly.

Perhaps OWS, in some form, played into a Democratic longing to create more of a political connection to some sector of the population. Even if it is class warfare, Democrats do have to represent a class — but OWS never truly constituted a class, or even a sub-class, to begin with. Arguably, only the most misguided fully committed to joining the OWS camps. If, as Carter rightly states, the American dream is to work hard and play by the rules to achieve success, the OWS-ers are doing neither.

Other Americans who may be concerned about issues such as income inequality could not identify with OWS as a movement, particularly after observing increases in violence, disrespect of the police, disease outbreaks in the camps, and the lack of a coherent message.

For those of us who don’t live near one of the protest sites, the OWS movement supplied some comic relief, but they were never destined to survive the onset of inclement weather. Good riddance.


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Minor Axis

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The left wing in America can’t resist rambling stoners, malcontents, and Grateful Dead camp followers. For a while, they tried to superimpose some sort of political meaning to the group -- income inequality, workers’ rights, and the like. But nothing ever took root, because OWS was never serious in the first place. It diminishes any societal or political point you want to make when you oppose organized sanitation.

So what partisan idiot wrote this Dana? Whoever the author is conveniently forgot the firemen, policemen, teachers, and other working class folks who made an appearance at the OWS protests making their feelings known about the status quo. Your facebook link opened to a blank page for me.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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came from the Washington post op ed if I am not mistaken

you can search for it if so inclined

of course it is biased

you don't think there are equally biased writings on the opposing view?

are all people with a bias idiots?

Minor Axis

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came from the Washington post op ed if I am not mistaken

you can search for it if so inclined

of course it is biased

you don't think there are equally biased writings on the opposing view?

are all people with a bias idiots?

I found it, thanks. Written by Ed Rogers a GOP lobbyist. Absolutely no surprise where this kind of a statement came from. I would not apply literal definition, but the popular definition of idiot. :) The answer to your question is no, but some are and many are centered in the top levels of the GOP and the Dems. Knowing the source I'd call it misleading, calculated, shrewd and a devious attempt to discredit a movement that threatens the man's political party.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I found it, thanks. Written by Ed Rogers a GOP lobbyist. Absolutely no surprise where this kind of a statement came from. I would not apply literal definition, but the popular definition of idiot. :) The answer to your question is no, but some are and many are centered in the top levels of the GOP and the Dems. Knowing the source I'd call it misleading, calculated, shrewd and a devious attempt to discredit a movement that threatens the man's political party.

Same can be said for the DEM talking points regarding the Tea Party


Having way too much fun
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Nope. OWS is not over. There may not be very many 24 hour encampments but it is still alive and well. www.owsnews.org www.occupymarines.org and if you are on Facebook, you will see how very active this movement really is. The MSM may not be covering it much but it ain't over and it isn't out of sight out of mind as far as GOP strategist Frank Lutz is concerned.
http://thinkprogress.org/special/2011/12/01/379365/frank-luntz-occupy-wall-street/ said:
Top GOP Strategist Admits He’s ‘Scared’ Of Occupy Wall Street Because It’s ‘Having An Impact’

The Republican Governor’s Association met in Florida this week and featured pollster Frank Luntz, who offered a coaching session for attendees about how they should communicate to the public. Yahoo! News’ Chris Moody was there http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/...-occupy-wall-street-133707949.html#more-24506 , and captured some of Luntz’s comments on Occupy Wall Street. Luntz told attendees that he’s “scared of this anti-Wall Street effort. I’m frightened to death.” The pollster warned that the movement is “having an impact on what the American people think of capitalism.” So the pollster offered some advice for them about how to fight back. Here’s a few snippets of what he said, according to Moody:
– Don’t Mention Capitalism: Luntz said that his polling research found that “The public…still prefers capitalism to socialism, but they think capitalism is immoral. And if we’re seen as defenders of quote, Wall Street, end quote, we’ve got a problem.”

– Empathize With The 99 Percent Protesters: Luntz instructed attendees to tell protesters that they “get it”: “First off, here are three words for you all: ‘I get it.’ … ‘I get that you’re. I get that you’ve seen inequality. I get that you want to fix the system.”

– Don’t Say Bonus: Luntz told Republicans to re-frame the concept of the bonus payment — which bailed-out Wall Street doles out to its employees during holidays — as “pay for performance” instead.

– Don’t Mention The Middle Class Because Americans Don’t Trust Republicans To Defend It: “They cannot win if the fight is on hardworking taxpayers,” Luntz instructed the audience. “We can say we defend the ‘middle class’ and the public will say, I’m not sure about that. But defending ‘hardworking taxpayers’ and Republicans have the advantage.”

– Don’t Talk About Taxing The Rich: Luntz reminded Republicans that Americans actually do want to tax the rich, so he reccommended they instead say that the government “takes from the rich.”

Frank Luntz is no minor pollster. He is considered to be one of the top political communications experts in the world, having provided consulting to many of the world’s top corporations, politicians, and special interest groups. That Luntz is admitting the impact of Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent and telling closed-door meetings of Republicans that it frightens him is a huge victory for the movement.
It is rather insulting that the guy thinks the average American is unable to decipher rhetoric.

The Man

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I heard that they could continue as long as they went home and took showers,,then they could return?...Complaints have occurred in neighboring areas regarding the funk :ninja

Rumored also...some are peppered sprayed so they will take a shower :tooth

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Nope. OWS is not over. There may not be very many 24 hour encampments but it is still alive and well. www.owsnews.org www.occupymarines.org and if you are on Facebook, you will see how very active this movement really is. The MSM may not be covering it much but it ain't over and it isn't out of sight out of mind as far as GOP strategist Frank Lutz is concerned.
It is rather insulting that the guy thinks the average American is unable to decipher rhetoric.

This GOP Strategist is finally understanding that not only is the GOP's position indefensible, but that more and more suffering people are focusing upon them in a negative manner.