Only I can judge God. I is you if you choose to be.

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Greatest I am

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Only I can judge God. I isyou if you choose to be.

Using the term --- I am heremeans you. This applies to all of us. You are ( I ) to you as I am I to me.Only you then can judge the God construct that you see as you evaluate what youknow of God.

Jesus said that at the end ofdays he would return. He meant in spirit only. Not a physical manifestation. Healso said that the time of the end was at hand and that the temple of God waswithin each of us. The tern spirit represents, the spirit of the law, what iswritten in the hearts, ---- God in other words, ---- is defined as laws andrules and such as they are the only thing you can follow at all times, ---- andthese are set by you and you are in effect ruling yourself in terms offollowing the God construct you have developed.

Jesus is telling you that youand your heart are the only things of importance in terms of leadership as itis the rules you have accepted as worthy of following. Jesus warned that at endtimes there would be a number of Jesus’ to choose from and morality is what youwill have to choose from.

That is why I think itimportant to evaluate what Jesus said and determine if it is worthy and moralor not.

Jesus Christ. Madman orsomething worse.

Below, Bishop Spong speaks ofbasically redefining Christianity. Going from a church or religious thinking,to a more spiritual or heart felt thinking. I also urge Christianity to changebecause it is now too immoral to ignore with today’s mentality. It’s overallpolicies are immoral in my view. The God of war must die and Jesus declared thefull and only God that is required and that the noble lie of politics should berevoked to let all know that the God you likely know was always a myth. This may be a good time for you tocontemplate such a move as many Christians haves rejected the O.T. God and onlyfocus on Jesus and loving policies.

Bishop Spong speaks well tothis issue.

Apotheosis means justrecognizing that you are on a journey of being your own God. Some few will havehelp from God on this through a real apotheosis but only the very few it seems.You cannot get away from that fact so you may as well forget about fantasy,miracles and magic. They were never real and you are the strongest force youwill ever know. After all, who but you can make you want to do anything voluntarily?There is no other force that can do this and therefore you are God in the realsense of being master of yourself. If that does not compute with you thenremember that A & E became as Gods, God’s own words, and yours is the same birthrite. Throw it away if you wish. You cannot reject the knowledge of good andevil so I cannot fathom why you would throw away the fact that you as well canbecome as Gods.

The moral of Jesus and hissacrifice is that we should accept being God, and ruling ourselves even againsta government if needs be. Become archetypal Moses and face government anddeclare that it faces one as great as itself. That is what being a free man isall about.

The time of the end is when Jesusbecomes your God on earth, ---- again this is you, --- who takes the place ofthe mythical heavenly God of war. Jesus/you, as the way, the man’s way ofjudging first, not some absentee God’s unknown standard. Your covenant withyourself is to be the new covenant. Man answering to man and himself. Not to someunknown God.

This clip from J. Haidt showsthat we instinctively share God’s morals. In this we are truly Gods andchildren of God.

I am God because I am theonly one who is capable of judging the God I know.
You are a God in your ownrite as you are the only one who is capable of judging the God you know.

The Noble Lie is firmly inplace and manipulating your thinking. Discard it. In this day and age we do notneed it the way we may have in the past. In politics a noble lie is amyth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowinglytold by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda.

As a Gnostic Christian, thistheology/philosophy is quite natural to me and can be for all people.

Try thinking as the God thatyou are. Stop being a sheep and rise to your true inheritance as a shepherd.That is the message Jesus wants you to recognize.


Listen to Jesus and hear forthe first time in your life.
Ps 82:6 I said, "You aregods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
Hosea 1:10 Ye are the sons ofthe living God.
Do you think that sons of Godare destined to be sheep or shepherds?
Jesus was written to empowerus. Not enslave us. Do not waste what he gave.
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Glorified Maniac
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I try to follow yin and yang one with the universe idea.
Something taught to me, by a master in an old Okinawan martial art.


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Only I can judge God. I isyou if you choose to be.

Using the term --- I am heremeans you. This applies to all of us. You are ( I ) to you as I am I to me.Only you then can judge the God construct that you see as you evaluate what youknow of God.

I got about this far..... :willy_nilly: :shock :unsure:


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Time for a bump to see if anyone figured out what is thread is about.

I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly
I'm crying


Well-Known Member
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Only I can judge God. I isyou if you choose to be.

Using the term --- I am heremeans you. This applies to all of us. You are ( I ) to you as I am I to me.Only you then can judge the God construct that you see as you evaluate what youknow of God..................................

Translation, please........anyone.

The Man

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I think that it means / that only snake dude can judge snake dude.
With his godly status and all

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The Man

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I am God because I am theonly one who is capable of judging the God I know.
Here you claim to be god....but yet you go further and put yourself above you are the only one worthy of judging God.
Consider this documentation as to your question in another thread as well.


Well-Known Member
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No need to translate this quote by GIA:

I am God because I am theonly one who is capable of judging the God I know.

Some of that logic I can follow, not that I agree with you.
You experienced apotheosis and became a God capable of judging the God you know.

Pretty arrogant statement there, bud......:D

But, it does bring to that the real God, or just the figment of your imagination
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses. Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process

derived from your own meager knowledge base?
Further, if there are billions of people with imaginations, by your logic, there would have to be potentially billions of known Gods, each according to specific imaginary criteria.
And dead people's imaginary known Gods.......what happened to them? They just keep accumulating or die off?
If they die off, were they really omnipotent?

I think you're bullshitting us. :D