Occupy-- These Nuts

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The Man

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Lets be honest...These people are nuts.:(
This thread is about these idiots that do not know how to have peaceful protests.
The numbers of protesters are high...however its a shame the majority of them are idiots.
They need a leader who will encourage peaceful protesting rather than rebellious behavior....They can not make progress for a cause without being peaceful and law abiding..after all who wants to listen to criminals.
If that isnt enough..they have no direction..they demand what appears to be everything...I expect if one researched hard enough some signs could be found they demand better cellphone service and contour grips for the controller on the Xbox...If one has a gripe its welcome.."come bitch with the rest of us"...should be their slogan as it is very fitting.
Out of these thousands upon thousands of protesters /not one has made any progress..its just moaning and bitching.
These morons could have some power if they presented them selves correctly...were definitive with their demands and not stray from them..but no these rebellious idiots have been arrested in large numbers due to their idiocy and behavioral problems.
Instead we have thousands of different signs with different demands...makes them look like they want to topple the govt...I am sure many of them do..they are just that nuts.
Many have demonstrated the behavior akin to a pussy as well.........I cant hold it against someone being a pussy..however acting like a pussy is doing just that and respect is given accordingly.

Why is it when the liberals gather common sense is lost?...I hate to say it..but it does happen often.
This is the perfect example...they have huge numbers..but no one with any sense to keep a focus of being heard for select topics
No one to establish proper behavior to actually get a positive change through protesting.....So what 1 percent are these people?
They sure dont represent the majority....They represent those that have a similar IQ such as theirs..which has been shown to be somewhat low on the bell curve to say the least.
Its gets worse..there is a long plataea that doesnt climb on that curve that effects about half a nation/people with good intentions yes..but these people toss logic for self serving greed /The mentality is us against them..."them" can be the govt..people with wealth/it changes dependent upon the ensuing whining of the week and the rest flock to the occasion.
They feel good,with their fuck "them" attitude..giving them another reason to live another week in their non productive lives with a feeling of accomplishment...They get energetic..they may even paint the trailer /or install more tie downs in case a storm comes as a new feeling of make the children safe becomes them.
Others are away protesting..but eventually come home to shower and provide assistance of food and shelter for the little ones /Only to dart later with the last can of beef stew to share with the other "us"...The bond is that tight.
What can we do to make the afflicted aware that they have our support...but they have to accept proper guidance with decision making from those without the affliction?
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Peter Parka

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This thread is nut for more reasons than I have time to type out.

P.S. There's already about 30 thousand threads about this that you have participated in most of, no one gives a shit about this pointless piece of crap but way to go to prove how pointless you are.

The Man

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The other threads are are about protests in this location that location..etc....This thread is to discuss why the dipshits are not getting anything accomplished.
In other words I would support OWS if it had proper direction ;)


Having way too much fun
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The Man

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Your ignorance never fails to amaze me.

You love to spout off on things you know nothing about.

No message?
Cannot make progress?

What about this?
A constitutional amendment is being presented by Congressman Ted Deutch of Florida called the Outlawing Corporate Cash Undermining the Public Interest in our Elections and Democracy (OCCUPIED) Amendment,

Yeah, nothing is coming from these protests.

Correct..no progress has been made..further did you read the pdf its rather vague..and is filled with a giant loop hole..and individual can still provide finance...yes that rich bastard ..but rather a company check it will be a private check...WOW...Now we have a personal tax deduction from our own payroll check rather than that of the company..Who benefits?
The rich bastard once again....."them" fuckers..thats right tim.........you ignorant shits just dont get it do you

The Man

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To be regulated by congress I might add...what a joke...where is that giant rofl when I need it


Having way too much fun
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Correct..no progress has been made..further did you read the pdf its rather vague..and is filled with a giant loop hole..and individual can still provide finance...yes that rich bastard ..but rather a company check it will be a private check...WOW...Now we have a personal tax deduction from our own payroll check rather than that of the company..Who benefits?
The rich bastard once again....."them" fuckers..thats right tim.........you ignorant shits just dont get it do you

Yes, that rich bastard can write a personal check for $2300.... yeah, that's already a law in place. People like you and me or even that rich bastard are only allow to donate a maximum of $2300.

But the corporations can donate billions if they like. Sounds fair to me, how about you?

So this amendment will level the playing field so only people can donate and only donate to the maximum allowed amount.

Please take the time to educate yourself and maybe you would understand

The Man

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Yes, that rich bastard can write a personal check for $2300.... yeah, that's already a law in place. People like you and me or even that rich bastard are only allow to donate a maximum of $2300.

But the corporations can donate billions if they like. Sounds fair to me, how about you?

So this amendment will level the playing field so only people can donate and only donate to the maximum allowed amount.

Please take the time to educate yourself and maybe you would understand

Really then how was lets say Oprah donating more during the last election?
None the less you are missing the point......current existing laws aren't enforced /corruption has existed for decades at many levels.
Do you really think they are going to punish themselves?..No
No more than any other crooked fuck in this world


OTz's Typo Scouser
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Really then how was lets say Oprah donating more during the last election?
None the less you are missing the point......current existing laws aren't enforced /corruption has existed for decades at many levels.
Do you really think they are going to punish themselves?..No
No more than any other crooked fuck in this world
i find your thought process to be of a defeatist....good thing for us protesters to protect the likes of you who do nothing to help fix society except point out the faults in it. Get off your backside and do something about it seeing how you know its a crooked world. Only defeatists do nothing and lack a back bone to make change.

Joe the meek

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Why is it when the liberals gather common sense is lost?...


As for your comments about some of them being a pussy, I've got to ask, do you know how to handle an open bolt machine gun? If not, I could consider you a big ******* pussy. Exactly what part about a "peaceful" protest don't you understand?

Wait, let me guess, I'm a liberal, right? LOL
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The Man

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that cop pepper spray you? :D

We were arm linked together like brave comrades ...we werent going to let them bully cops uphold the law and dismantle the tents in a no camping area.
It felt so good sitting on the ground with my brave friends...he asked us to move we refused...can you believe he sprayed us?
We sat there like pussies as he hosed us again with more spray...We are all shamed now as we did nothing to stick up for ourselves..my friends laugh at me when they see the videos....They say the people werent chanting "shame on you" at the cops..they were chanting it to us and my comrades .


The Man

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As for your comments about some of them being a pussy, I've got to ask, do you know how to handle an open bolt machine gun? If not, I could consider you a big ******* pussy. Exactly what part about a "peaceful" protest don't you understand?

Wait, let me guess, I'm a liberal, right? LOL

I handle more every time I go to piss. :tooth


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Yes, that rich bastard can write a personal check for $2300.... yeah, that's already a law in place. People like you and me or even that rich bastard are only allow to donate a maximum of $2300.

But the corporations can donate billions if they like. Sounds fair to me, how about you?

So this amendment will level the playing field so only people can donate and only donate to the maximum allowed amount.

Please take the time to educate yourself and maybe you would understand


Not to mention that those corporations have stockholders who are not American citizens, so that foreign money can be used in a very direct way to influence our political and legislative processes.