How can someone turn their back on their own church after 20 years of attendance.
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. If he leaves he's "turning his back on his church." If he stays he supports psycho preacher guy and thusly hates America.
I laugh when he says he didn't vote for the war...because he wasn't in Congress when the war was voted on!
:24: Would you please just stop paying attention and get with the program here?! Gosh!!
If you think he got there without being a deceitful, manipulative and amoral piece of garbage then you're being incredibly naive. It's hard for us normal people to understand just what sort of motivations and behaviours determine these people's lives, but trying to attribute ignorance and confusion to these people is what has kept this system of tyrrany and lies going for thousands of years. These are not normal human beings, these are sociopaths whose entire life is predicated around lying to and controlling other human beings.
Just when I think I'm starting to see a genuinely, rational person you throw something like this out there. Out of one side of your mouth you're telling us that it's hard for us normal people to understand the lives of our elected leaders, but in the same breath you accuse somebody of being a child if they don't believe those very lives are exactly as 100% corrupt as you insist they must be.
It is my intention to one day throw my hat into the political arena. I by no stretch of any imagination could describe myself as a sociopath who's entire life is predicated around lying to and controlling other human beings.
On Obama specifically, I'm not impressed. On first pass, he's amazing. I could go on and on about how impressive he seems, but I think it's a common idea, so I'll save the virtual tree. The more I learn about him though, the less I like him. He doesn't view this country as the great country I believe it to be. He's very much an internationalist, which I don't see as a particularly attractive quality in a president.
His theme has latched on to what most Americans really want. A unified government, and a direction for the country. He calls it change. He speaks all the time about being this great unifier, but how exactly will he unify? What conservative ideals will he stand with in order to bring us to the table? The unity he speaks of is the silencing of his critics and the desire to have everybody fall in line with his liberal ideals.
I think he has the right idea about changing course in areas that have been stalemated for decades, but I question the course he says he wants to chart.
IMHO, Mr. Obama would make a fantastic political adviser today, and perhaps with 10-15 years of political experience under his belt will make a great leader, but today I think he is a very poor choice.