Nine Reasons Why Abortions Are Legal

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Mrs Behavin

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Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making that choice for thousands of years, for many good reasons. Whenever a society has sought to outlaw abortions, it has only driven them into back alleys where they became dangerous, expensive, and humiliating. Amazingly, this was the case in the United States until 1973, when abortion was legalized nationwide. Thousands of American women died.

Thousands more were maimed. For this reason and others, women and men fought for and achieved women's legal right to make their own decisions about abortion.

However, there are people in our society who still won't accept this. Some argue that even survivors of rape or incest should be forced to continue their pregnancies. And now, having failed to convince the public or the lawmakers, certain of these people have become violent extremists, engaging in a campaign of intimidation and terror aimed at women seeking abortions and health professionals who work at reproductive health clinics.

Some say these acts will stop abortions, but that is ridiculous. When the smoke clears, the same urgent reasons will exist for safe, legal abortions as have always existed. No nation committed to individual liberty could seriously consider returning to the days of back-alley abortions — to the revolting specter of a government forcing women to bear children against their will. Still, amid such attacks, it is worthwhile to repeat a few of the reasons why our society trusts each woman to make the abortion decision herself.
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Ok... Number 7 doesn't make any sense to me.

7. Outlaw abortion, and more children will bear children.

Forty percent of 14-year-old girls will become pregnant before they turn 20. This could happen to your daughter or someone else close to you. Here are the critical questions: Should the penalty for lack of knowledge or even for a moment's carelessness be enforced pregnancy and childrearing? Or dangerous illegal abortion? Should we consign a teenager to a life sentence of joblessness, hopelessness, and dependency?

Duh? 100% of 14 year old girls turn 14 before they turn 20... I just think that should be re-written.

I know what they mean by this... but it looks so odd.


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Ok, for the record, I am VERY Pro-Life, so I won't say more than this....

Have any of these people ever heard of ADOPTION... "Every Child a wanted child"... what about childless couples who would do anything to raise someone else's unwanted child.


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Butterfly said:
Ok, for the record, I am VERY Pro-Life, so I won't say more than this....

Have any of these people ever heard of ADOPTION... "Every Child a wanted child"... what about childless couples who would do anything to raise someone else's unwanted child.

For those of you who are against abortion, here are some interesting facts to consider.

1. There are 1,370,000 abortions in the US each year
2. There are 51,000 people that adopt a child (relations & marriage not included)
3. There are 100,000,000 households in the US

If abortion was made illegal in the US today, within 5 years we would have to house over 6 million unwanted children. Who will take care of these children? Who will support them and care for them?

Why is it that I will never see anyone say "I am against abortion and I think it should be illegal in all but the most extreme cases... but this is how I think we can help those women that feel that it is the best choice for them"?

I don't think abortion should be illegal, we don't have the resources to deal with the population explosion that will come after. And this doesn't even account for all the back-alley deaths that will come with it.

I guess it would be the same as making petroleum products illegal to own or use without first preparing how we will deal without them....
Lets first deal with preventing unwanted pregnancies in the US and get the number down to a managable size. The conservatives view of "abstanence only" education isn't working. We need real world solutions to the problem.


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Abortions should definitely be legal, partly for the reasons mentioned above, partly for the fact that they would be performed anyway, even if they were illegal... don't you think?

A woman has to have a choice to decide whether she wants the baby or not. And it's not about the women, it's the unwanted children I'm concerned about. Can an unwanted child be loved? And even if loved, can you raise a child if you have no money and if you don't have a place to live? I'm sure that women do not decide to have an abortion just like that.

But, on the other hand... haven't they heard about the contraception?


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I don't feel bad feels toward a girl if she has done that, but I don't care if a girl dies trying to kill a baby. If you do the deed, pay the price. I like kids and have two. My wife got her tubes tied so I don't worry about anymore.


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horseshoeing said:
I don't feel bad feels toward a girl if she has done that, but I don't care if a girl dies trying to kill a baby. If you do the deed, pay the price. I like kids and have two. My wife got her tubes tied so I don't worry about anymore.

Do you have daughters? Would you feel the same if your daughter got in trouble and died trying to have an abortion without your knowledge?

I have a daughter and I hope she would come to me if she got into trouble, we are very close and she knows she can tell me anything. But I know there are things that she may feel that she cannot tell me. That's just how teens think sometimes. It scares me to think of a world where some scared teen or young adult can't recieve proper medical attention for an abortion that they will get (legal or illegal) You raise them the best you can and hope for the best.


The OG
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Abortion is a touchy subject for everyone. Im kindof effy.. I dont really think anyone should get one.. BUT, i think its ok when the situation is VERY EXTREME. (ie, result of rape, death,ect) I agree with tim.. if people rule against abortion.. there will be alot ALOT of back alley killings.. leaving their babys to die.. or sufficating them in a bag because they dont want noone to know they have a baby,ect. Those are the people that DONT need babies. Granted, they could just go threw the adoption process, but they wont think like that. They will just want to get rid of it. Again I will say.. I am PRO life.. but how is this pro life if it results in death as well??


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i think abortion is acceptable in the first trimester, its a misconception as soon as a fetus is conceived that it is "living", it isn't living until it starts forming its own organs so biologically speaking you wouldn't be killing anything as long as you have the procedure performed during a certain time frame. Once past that point however, adoption should be considered.

Mrs Behavin

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If the abortion procedure is done before anything starts really growing, then that doesnt bother me. But if its one of those procedures, that Im sure yall have heard about, when the baby is born and they crack its skull or something like that just because the mom didnt want the baby from the very get go, then that is just horrible.


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This is such a touchy subject, but I really believe that women who have become pregnant as a result of rape shouldn't be punished.
Also, if a fetus cannot sustain itself outside of the mother's body, then I would generally view it as still being a part of the mother, and therefore it would be something she has at least some say over.
Still, this is all such guesswork and theorizing. I feel that it really depends on the circumstances, but it's impossible to make circumstantial laws, because those would hardly be fair


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Ok, for the record, I am VERY Pro-Life, so I won't say more than this....

Have any of these people ever heard of ADOPTION... "Every Child a wanted child"... what about childless couples who would do anything to raise someone else's unwanted child.

What about all those kids raised and abused in foster care waiting for somebody, anybody to adopt them? If you choose the adoption route how do you explain 18 years later when your kid knocks on your door why you gave them up? I never wanted you and still don't? Who gets hurt more in that situation?