news - honour killings

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i was listening to the beeb,
well infarct i visited there uk web page,
from seeing 2823 so called honour attacks,
left me sick and full of rage.
the did investigate,
500 london attacks left more frustration,
who requested these figures,
it was th Iranian & Kurdish woman rights organisation.
who has this info,
and are the authority's acting,
seen as there is a 47% rise in incidents,
what ever they are doing is not subtracting.
i went deeper,
what counts that brings honour into disrepute,
anything that makes the family look bad,
will end a life with a permanent mute.
its not all this brutal,
some get beatings,mutilation, acid attacks even abduction,
as i class my self as civilised,
honour to me is looking very evil and full of destruction.
out of 12 areas studied,
9 did rise and 3 did decline,
this is one more statistic,
in which the uk will not shine.
it was breath taking,
a huge rise of 305% from Northumbria,
catching it up with a 154% rise,
was Cambridgeshire.
the police are not happy,
these statistics they will not discuss,
as for the effected community,
they will make as little as possible fuss.
it swings round then,
the perpetrators for there actions are rewarded,
for it not being leaked out,
the little thing of a HERO they are rewarded.
like most services in the uk,
help is not at hand,
for some people it is a life of misery,
and we are failing to understand.
we have 560 officers,
trained to deal with this crime,
the "ACPO" have now recommended,
each incident is recorded and logged every time.
so its up and running,
the police chief is confident help is given,
they aim to raise awareness,enhance training,support,
and out this crime will be driven.
i am in 2 minds,
this is not uk born and foreign imported,
i am so sorry for the victims,
this is a cultural dispute and you must not have it deported.
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