If the government wants to listen to me talk to Amber to make sure we're not going to kill thousands of civilians, I'm fine with that. If the Patriot Act or whatever else the government is doing stops one terrorist attack, then whatever they do is fine with me. There's no way to be 100% safe, but I think we're moving in the right direction.
You may feel this way now, but what happens when your life changes and things are different? When you allow the government to have total access to your personal life, you have to ask the question, Who is it that is listening in on me? What will they do with this information that is collected? How will this affect my life later down the road?
Why should I have to worry that what I may have said years ago might affect my ability of getting a job with a large corporation? How do you know that your information will be safe guarded and never be looked at by someone with the right price?
The second we start giving up our individual rights, that this country was based on, is the second that the terrorists win.
Instead of taking our freedoms, our government needs to stop spreading fear and do their jobs.
The Bush administration has no problem building databases and conducting warrent less wire taps, yet it allows our boarders to remain open to all. They have got to be fucking kidding... just leave the fucking door open to every terrorist on the planet... it's ok, we will just listen to the phone calls, datamine e-mails, collect information on all the legal citizens of the US... Hell, we can do that, they will allow us to do it as long as we keep them in fear....
I would rather take my chances with another terrorist attack then give away just one of my rights. I'm 100 times more likely to die on my way to work anyway....