collectSPACE - news - "Mythbustin' the Moon: Mythbusters tackle moon landing hoax claims"August 26, 2008 — In 2005, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, special effects experts better known by the title of their popular Discovery Channel series, "MythBusters", were asked during an interview about the myth they would most like to test provided an unlimited budget.
"Jamie and I have done the research, and figured that the only way to end the debate about the 'myth' of the Apollo moon landing is to go there," Savage replied to Slashdot, a technology news website, about the belief held by some that the United States faked the lunar landings.
Three years later, the Mythbusters are ready to share the results of their 'trip' as they devote their next show, airing on Wednesday, to the moon landing hoax.
Moon hoax busted?
To learn the results of the Mythbusters' tests, the public will need to watch the show when it airs on Wednesday, but regardless the outcome, the five cast members held no illusions that they would be able to sway the diehard moon hoax believer.
"The thing that I've found over the years is that there is always a certain segment of people out there who will refuse to believe despite overwhelming evidence. Those diehards will never be convinced, while everyone else will have fun watching us take on the hoax," said Imahara.
"In my experience, you can't convince a conspiracy theorist that the sky is blue even if he is looking up," said Byron. "I have confidence that most of our audience will be satisfied."
"I don't think the diehard believers will ever be convinced that the moon landing happened, no matter what evidence is shown," added Belleci.
That statement about the conspiracy theorists is so true.