my weight loss tips

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1. The first lesson is don’t ever skip your meals. The thing behind skipping your meals is that You might think doing that is helping you cut down your calories, but it’s definitely not so. You’d be starving yourself. Don’t starve yourself. Our bodies are brilliant, and if they aren’t getting enough food, your metabolism will tell your body to store each and every calorie it receives or to make energy from whatever muscle tissue you have. Your body thus needs as much energy as it can get, so once you eat, that meal would be converted to pure fat. This will eventually cause you to gain weight rather than losing any.

2. Eat very slowly. Grind your food before swallowing, munch each bite, whatever, just make it slow! It takes some time for our stomach to signal to our brains that we are full. Eating fast just stops you from realise how much you have eaten…Eating slowly will not only give you satisfaction from every bite but you will also realise when to stop.

3. Reduce your alcohol intake. Limit it to only occasions. Alcohol is not just only fattening, it also reduces will power. Try your best to reduce your consumption, or better still, call it to quits.

4. Keep moving, don’t be a lazy girl. Daily physical activity, like walking, along with healthy eating is key to long-term weight-loss success.

5. Try to get a partner. Don’t do it alone. Once in a while you would get tired, and you’ll need inspiration and all. Get a friend or relative to go on a diet with you. In this way, both of you will inspire and push each other and keep going.

6. Eat at regular intervals. Eating at odd irregular times would upset your whole diet. It is always advisable to maintain a specific schedule and always stick to it.

7. Try to take in two fruits, probably apples with every meal you eat. This would help you fill up your stomach, reducing the amount of calories you take in.

8. Drink lots of water. Try as much to take a glass of water every hour, this would do wonders to your body. It helps you eat lesser without making you feel hungry. The large amount of water intake also flushes out all the unwanted waste in your body and helps in digestion too. This might not be so feasible for us all anyway, since drinking lots of water implies you have to be close to a rest room as you’d have to be urinating frequently. But if you can, trust me, it’s worth it.

9. Fight your temptation. Don’t break your whole diet plan just because of one outing with friends, or family. When tempted to eat something you should not be eating, just think of the last fat girl you saw…………..or the last slim girl you saw and wished you were that thin. It’ll spur you stop.

10. The last and final tip: FOLLOW ALL THE ABOVE TIPS.

There are no hard and fast rules in this diet plan. If you notice, these are very easy methods and techniques that won’t even make you feel like you’re on a weight loss programme. Neither will you ever feel hungry nor will you have to undergo a monotonous, tasteless food intake. It’s as interesting a diet as it gets.
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8. Drink lots of water. Try as much to take a glass of water every hour, this would do wonders to your body. It helps you eat lesser without making you feel hungry. The large amount of water intake also flushes out all the unwanted waste in your body and helps in digestion too. This might not be so feasible for us all anyway, since drinking lots of water implies you have to be close to a rest room as you’d have to be urinating frequently. But if you can, trust me, it’s worth it.

This one should be followed with caution . . . too much water is actually bad for you!! If you have a low salt intake you can become overhydrated quite easily!

take special care if you have any kidney or liver problems!

Just my 2c

Nic post tho :thumbup:thumbup


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:homo::homo:defo..anyone following a strict diet plan needs to make sure they r doing whats best for there body....and not damaging it.:thumbup