I brought Jace to see The Lorax. theater was full of kids, and that was fine. a few seats down from me, was a mom with her 6month old. The whole time the baby was cooing and whining and the mom going "SSSHHHH". It got to a point where i wanted to tell her "No, YOU ssshhh!" a cooing 6 month old is cute, but NOT during a movie.
I went to see The Hunger Games, a PG13 movie. there were two moms who came together who thought it was OK to bring their 1 and 2 yr olds. one mom tried to sit the 2yr old next to me, i kindly told her "id rather not sit next to a toddler during a PG13 movie" and no, i wasnt going to move because i got there a whole 30 minutes before the show started so i could get a good seat. movie started at 11, they got there at 10:55 and the theater was already filled. throughout the movie, the kids were very squirmy, screaming/yelling at the screen and just a huge annoyance. one lady sitting in the row infront of us actually turned around and said "shut those kids up". they tried to with soft drinks, popcorn and candy, and when the kids couldnt have enough, they of course pitched a fit!
I was defriended on FB by a friend who has a baby and apparently got offended by my "Find a babysitter or stay home!" post. she said "some people just dont have an option" UM YEAH YOU DO!! DONT GO AND WAIT FOR THE DVD!! and then told me "well, i brought my baby to a movie and she was perfectly fine" followed by defriending. really!? she might be the center of YOUR universe, but she's not the center of everyone elses!! IMO, its rude, disrespectful, and an inconvenience to everyone else who have managed to go without their kids!!
I went to see The Hunger Games, a PG13 movie. there were two moms who came together who thought it was OK to bring their 1 and 2 yr olds. one mom tried to sit the 2yr old next to me, i kindly told her "id rather not sit next to a toddler during a PG13 movie" and no, i wasnt going to move because i got there a whole 30 minutes before the show started so i could get a good seat. movie started at 11, they got there at 10:55 and the theater was already filled. throughout the movie, the kids were very squirmy, screaming/yelling at the screen and just a huge annoyance. one lady sitting in the row infront of us actually turned around and said "shut those kids up". they tried to with soft drinks, popcorn and candy, and when the kids couldnt have enough, they of course pitched a fit!
I was defriended on FB by a friend who has a baby and apparently got offended by my "Find a babysitter or stay home!" post. she said "some people just dont have an option" UM YEAH YOU DO!! DONT GO AND WAIT FOR THE DVD!! and then told me "well, i brought my baby to a movie and she was perfectly fine" followed by defriending. really!? she might be the center of YOUR universe, but she's not the center of everyone elses!! IMO, its rude, disrespectful, and an inconvenience to everyone else who have managed to go without their kids!!