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Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama
Is this indoctrination of a liberal policy? I'm not so sure. It seems to praise a guy for making it to the highest office of the land ... period. No 'we must help him change America' or 'America was terrible but now we'll fix it' or anything like that. Lots of 'Yes we can' & empty 'change' phrases with no context.
Most seem to be perdominately black schools cheering the first black president.
One praised another Irish president like JFK, saying O'Bama is as Irish as O'Reilley or O'Hara.
To me, the primary indoctrination going on here is pride in country and pride in ethnicity. Is that wrong?
Is this indoctrination of a liberal policy? I'm not so sure. It seems to praise a guy for making it to the highest office of the land ... period. No 'we must help him change America' or 'America was terrible but now we'll fix it' or anything like that. Lots of 'Yes we can' & empty 'change' phrases with no context.
Most seem to be perdominately black schools cheering the first black president.
One praised another Irish president like JFK, saying O'Bama is as Irish as O'Reilley or O'Hara.
To me, the primary indoctrination going on here is pride in country and pride in ethnicity. Is that wrong?