Honor Roll
As we search for some “meaning” or lesson from the Virginia Tech massacre,
it is predictable that we will read endless analysis of the life and mind
of the killer, Cho Seung-Hui. But what about those he killed?
Lauren McCain, 20 years old, form Hampton, Virginia was a freshman. On her
MySpace page she told readers she had two heroes, Jesus Christ and her
Austin Cloyd, 18, originally from Illinois, loved kids and spent his
summers on mission trips to Appalachia to minister to the poor.
Liviu Librescu, 76, was a Holocaust survivor from Romania, who fought
communism in his home country before moving to Israel. He was murdered on
Holocaust Memorial Day, as he tried to keep the killer out of his classroom
until his students could flee.
Matthew La Porte, 20, was in the corps of Air Force cadets at Virginia Tech
and reportedly died trying to help others who had already been shot.
Rachael Hill, 18, graduated from Grove Avenue Christian School in Richmond,
Virginia and was described as “gracious” and “loving.”
Ryan Clark, 22, was the resident advisor killed in the dorm when he
responded to sounds of violence. He was pursuing a triple major in
psychology, biology and English.
The list - of 32 people filled with promise and hope - goes on and on.
They won’t get nearly the amount of “ink” as the man who murdered them, but
they and their families deserve our prayers and our remembrance.